Treepotato has returned!

Hello summer holidays are ver and i’m back in yr 11 now GCSEs this year great

Holland was brilliant i met Klaas he’s a great guy and he introduced me to trials and i loved it, rode off a 33cm drop and we have photos to prove it! nice to meet you Klaas thankyou!
Used the Big Apple (29r) loads in Holland everyday we were cycling (me uni and mum and dad bikes) did 75 miles altogether on my 29r and broke my record of doing 6 miles non stop by doing 25 miles! Uniccyling holiday really and i got a computer clock thing thing that is attached to one of the spokes on my Big apple that tells me how far i’ve cycled

Thankyou for introducing me to trials Klaas!


Welcome back tree potato. So holland was nice I hear? I might be going to holland next year to visit some familly…maybe…it’s still hazy…anyways, welcome back to your friendly e-neighbourhood.

Welcome back : )


Welcome back.
…not that you know me, because this is my 4th post here, but since I’m unemployed and my uni’s broken, I’ll probably be posting a lot more here. So hi!:smiley:

Edit: Apparently, this is my 9th post here. But I only remember 4 of them, so I’ll stick with that.

Re: Treepotato has returned!

On Mon, 13 Sep 2004 07:29:42 -0500, “treepotato” wrote:

>Holland was brilliant i met Klaas

Welcome back sounds strange for me, now that you’re far away again.
Treepotato and her parents are really nice people and we were happy to
entertain them. Unicyclists of all countries go visit each other!

Treepotato has amazing trials powers, clearing a drop of over a foot
in her very first trials session, and learning the beginnings of bunny

Klaas Bil - Newsgroup Addict

“The more you think, the less you have to do. - Leo Vandewoestijne”

Nice to have you back TP, and even nicer to hear your distance riding has improved. I still want to ride the plym valey trail some time, including the bit down to the Hoe to finish with ice creams.
What are you doing on Sunday?

Welcome back, TreeP!


Thankyou for the welcome everybody :slight_smile:

Sunday Plym Valley traill that sounds brilliant Sarah!

Gotta check its ok witht eh parents i’lll email you soon

Re: Treepotato has returned!

A little late maybe, but here is photographic evidence to back up that claim. We (Treepotato, my daughter Jorga and myself) played around with some trials obstacles (described here) in front of our house. Treepotato had never given trials a try before, so I think it was pretty amazing that she cleared this drop of 33 cm (13"), and in good style at that. The gentleman in the picture is Treepotato’s father, seemingly a bit worried that she might fall.

Treepotato had also brought her 29’er, and we had planned for a fast ride after dinner, but an endless rainshower threw soot in the food, as the Dutch say. So she’ll have to come back for that one day :slight_smile:

Klaas Bil


Jorga rides a line with some outside help. There’s a ramp behind the cable spool to ride up. I think that later on, all three of us did this one unaided but I don’t have those pictures. Treepotato is watching as well as the neighbour’s son (5). “I know how you do that”, he said.

Someone, how do you attach multiple pics to one post??

Klaas Bil
