Treadmill Bike

That’s actually pretty cool.

i saw that aaaaaaaages ago.

i want one

I’d rather just run, or uni. =p

where’s the treadmill unicycle?

that video is really annoying in my opinion because it sounds like the entire thing is a joke.

If I saw someone riding one of those I would most likely say “wow thats sweet, I be t you it costs alot… LETS frakin steal it!” i would then chase the person down, push them off of it and proceed to riding away and putting a patent pending on it!

i was led to belive that it wa sin fact, a joke. and a very funny one, at that

i saw that ages and ages ago. but that is so cool, i want one.

Another good walk spoiled.

how does that thing work anyway?

It looks like the belt acts like pedals, turning a chain that turns a freewheel, like on a bike.

The narrator sounds in places like she’s about to crack up laughing.

Throw away the bike and keep the girl, is what sounds best to me. :stuck_out_tongue:

that sounds like fun!!

it doesn’t seem like theres a chain attached to the wheel though. at first i thought the belt runs along the back wheel so when you run the wheel turns. but the guy coasts on it for a bit. so thats wierd!

the narrator doesn’t sound very excited when she says “oh shizzle”

no one has yet comented on the gnarly trials course.


I’m at work so i watched it without the audio. I do think it’s a joke. You can sort of tell by the production value.

Why Not Just Run???

I had an idea while telling my daughter about this… try riding a unicycle on top of the treadmill… :roll_eyes:

Ugh, jeez, that is the epitome of lameness.

I mean, come on.

do a search. there has been countless threads about that.

Do you have a hot key on your keyboard for this reply? :stuck_out_tongue:

I meant on the treadmill that is part of the treadmill bike. :slight_smile: