Last year, coming back from EJC in Slovenia, I had some problems boarding a train from italy to spain because of my unicycle. Does anybody have tips on transporting unis and munis?
I just remove the saddle (and post) and the pedals, and put the rest (wheel, frame, etc.) in a black garbage bag. I never have a problem with that method, although it’s a pain in the ass. Before, although my uni was the exact same size as most of the luggage that other persons had, the train workers gave me crap on about half of my trips with a visible uni. They used to say that it was a bike, so i had to pay extra and put in in the storage cart, which i had a sound argument against. Now they don’t even notice my uni, with the above, garbage-bag method.
remove the pedals and saddle and post and stick it all in a suit case.
I do what Heckler does when traveling. I break the uni down so i have the frame,cranks, pedals, seat & post, and wheel all apart.
I put the frame, canks,pedals(cranks and pedals together if i can), seat and post (together if i can), in a bag (like a duffle bag, or pack of some kind) and just carry the wheel with me outside the pack.
I went on a plane like that also. It works everytime. But they look in ur bag though to “ok” the stuff inside. So if u travel by train this should be a gr8 way to pack ur uni.