Are there any companies that makes training wheels for unicycles?
just found this
Yeah! It only has one extra wheel, but it forces you to balance right/left.
It’s called a b*ke.
But, seriously, wouldn’t a b*cycle be harder to ride than a uni with training wheels? 3 balance better than two. Unis seem more intimidating. Or maybe it has to do with the size of wheel… ponders
but those training wheel things are pretty cool.
I’m curious about that unicycle-with-attachment on Amazon. I’ve never seen one in person. It looks like it would break within 30 seconds of a large child trying to ride the thing.
Maybe not break, just bend until the rider’s head came in contact with the rear axle…
I did see that also earlier this week. I think they had a total of $2??.?? It was too much. I see they sold it fast. But I wonder if the training wheel bar will disconnect from under the seat. Thank you.
Hard to tell, but in the worst-case scenario you might have to buy a seat post clamp. Then it would be a much better device on which to learn to unicycle. Long as there are three wheels on the ground that won’t really be happening…
A penny farthing?
Adam Cohen of Just One Wheel built a “Uni-Trainer.” I don’t think he sells them though, and they’d be rather expensive if he did.
whateva happened to just gettin on tha damn thing and goin for it? just do that! most of us learned that way
If yo do a search (and I think it’s on John Foss’s web site) the Japanese had that same setup along time ago, so, no, this guy didnt invent it, but he did update it.
Ignorance alone qualifies an inventor.
But really the design concept would be pretty obvious to anyone who considered building unicycle training wheels.
Yea, you right. By the time I would find the right type of training wheels, I might be riding it by that time.
Adam’s design (not found on my web site that I know of) is more sophisticated than it looks. Simply bolting a unicycle onto a support system would make it a large, uncomfortable five-wheeler. What he adds is an adjustment system where you can gradually raise the support wheels, allowing for more freedom of movement for the unicycle. This can be handy for people who are too worried about falling (aka old people), and present a different approach to the learning/teaching process.
I bet his next innovation will be knee pads. ;)
Cool setup… Just wondering about the cleverness of footstraps on the pedals for beginers ?
I think they’re okay when you have something holding the unicycle up. I definitely wouldn’t recommend them for a beginner without that apparatus!
Re: the unicycle with training wheels found on Amazon. I bought one of these off Craigslist a couple years ago - not because I neeed a 3rd/4th 20" uni, but I just had to see what it looked like and see how it really felt. This is NOT the way to learn to ride. The training wheels literally hold you back - such that I don’t see how you can learn to pedal to compensate for falling forward or backward. And with the training wheels dragging behind, there’s no way to easily learn to twist to compensate for falling to either side. The good news is that the training wheel attachment comes off easily. The seat post clamp is separate. The unicycle was a 20" Barracuda with a decent length seat post, so it’s going to be a good loaner or one to keep in the car.
There aren’t really any shortcuts to learning to unicycle. It’s bloody hard work, and sometimes it seems like you’re getting nowhere, but if you stick at it you’ll get there in the end!
Saw THIS today and thought of you.