Just a pitch for Brian Mackenzie’s DVD “Training Wheel Not Required” A must see for all unicycle enthusiasts. Mega talented riders and great filming.
where can i get one…
Right on man, thanks, glad you dug it
(they are available through www.LBMmultimedia.com )
(There’s also one on ebay right now)
For “trials_uni” please see Brian’s response to obtain a CD. Also note that some of the footage is from your neck of the woods. Thanks Brian for posting a link. I tried but couldn’t get one to copy & paste. I am looking foreward to the next addition.
yeah i kno that now thanks yeah brian lives right around the corner so to speak
It Features (among many other things) Ryan Atkins doing trials up at the Chedoke Golf Course escaprment/gulley in Hamilton, closer than ‘just around the corner’
Hey. Unicycle Golf!! Do you think they would let us on the course?
i would have to say probly no…i would say that cuz ive tried…they said i was ruing then green, which i most likely was.
TWNRTWO is in the works I assume?
that is literally right around the corner from me