trail less Muni

I’m always looking for something really hard to do on a unicycle (for me anyways), and after looking at one of the surrounding mountains all week I think I have a pretty good idea of what I want to do. I’m going to strap my unicycle onto my camelbak and hike up to a mt. top by simi peak and see how far I can ride down before I fall off a cliff. I’m going to have to clear something on the way up so I can have a somewhat uninterrupted ride down. This will probably be a thousand times easier when i get a real Muni but it looks fun to me. Has anyone ever tried this before? I don’t mean the pros in the videos doin that crazy stuff-I guess you could relate it to those people who get a helicopter so they can snowboard in the middle of nowhere just so they’re not on regular runs.

My brother and I would hike a little ways up this hillside about a mile away. We’d ride over downed branches, rocks, around trees, anything we could to get to the bottom, then hike up and do it again. We were both in chrome Torkers, so our equipment was less than prime. I wouldn’t recomend goign all out if you’re just giving it a try. Start with easy hills, and all.

You may want to spring for a self-sealing tube, too

I have that torker stealth and the tires slimed, so I should be ok. How did it compare to riding on bike trails? I usually find them too easy unless your riding over rocks or slightly technical terrain.

Re: trail less Muni

Yeah, that’s always fun.
Riding really off road is excellent, though I don’t often do it. I personally stick with mountain biking trails. Mountain bikes often can’t go anywhere besides the trail because they’re so much bigger, so it’s good to use the uni’s size to your advantage.

The last time I went up it half of my friends didn’t follow the ridges down like I suggested and found themselves tumbling down the steepest part of the mountain into thorns and poisonus yucca plants (it’s almost a desert here). But I do rember some pretty steep parts going up and a lot of bushes-they were so thick that we found ourselves jumping over yucca as the easiest way through. But that was sometime in spring I hope theres less bushes now.

Is this where you are planning to ride?

While true off road/off trail MUni is fun and challenging, do consider the flora and fauna you may impact in doing so.

I can’t make out much of this sign but I wouldn’t be surprised if “they” want riders to stick to established trails.


Yeah, its really close to that, I could see that trail from the top. (any unicyclers in Oak Park/Agoura area?) Where I attempted to ride there were gaps in the bushes so nothing was hurt. The mountain was much steeper than I originally thought and could only ride on the little strips of land between peaks. It was a fun trek nonetheless ans can’t wait for a real Muni.