Traffic Has really slowed down here.

Third page in JC is from september?
What gives?

And hello Again everyone, how is life?


probabably rush hour.

I blame the Global finanicial crisis and the falling american dollar

Looks like this thread isn’t going to help much…

whats up witht the negativity john?

I blame the absence of MR.

I blame the Chilean miners…
Too early to say that?

You mean the original MR??? :smiley:

Don’t complain. The summer is over so all the kiddies have gone back to day school and have all but forgotten their one wheeled passions. It’s a blessing.

Me, on the other hand, I’m like herpes, you’ll never get rid of me. I just keep coming back.

Everyone’s on facebook group chat 24/7 nowadays. :wink:

Edit: Ohhh yeah post 1000 :smiley:

There are just as many posts, just fewer new threads.

The new thread traffic has slowed, but most of those got killed by page 3 anyway. The newer threads have survival value, and stay alive on p 1 longer.

which i think is probably better than the alternative at the moment

I’ll predict they’ll come back.

Me 2. :smiley:

the chat will never die!

but the forum is still cool too :stuck_out_tongue:


Hawo friend. :smiley: