Track started.

and I’m sore. anybody else run high school track or anything? college track? My life is over until school’s out, I’m gonna be unable to walk, let alone ride a uni, or at least that’s what it feels like right now.

Eh, I’ll get over it. I’ll be in shape by the end of the week, at this rate.

Anyway, let the discussion of track and bashing of lactic acid begin.

I run track!! You shoulda run more over the winter, I ran a bunch and feel only kinda sore!! like you, by the end of the week I’ll feel good again.

soo, what events do you do? I do the 1600, and I’m gonna try the 3200 this year.

I ran high school track, before the days of meters. I don’t think meters had even been invented yet, they still called it 39 inches or so. 100 yard sprint, 440 relay, low hurdles, and triple jump. Since I went to a small B league school (small B is redundant, isn’t it?) I would have enough points to letter within a couple meets. Only made it to district once though.

Since I rode my bike everywhere (before I started driving), I was in pretty good shape even at the start of the season. Back then life was cross training, not something you had to try to do.

Track was fun. Do your event and hang out a lot.

Metres still haven’t been invented. It’s just a fad with the lunatic fringe that still haven’t gotten with the programme.

I think I’m gonna run the 1600 and 3200 as well.

I did have some miles after XC going into track season, like about 90 or so, but I hadn’t ran for about 3 weeks, so I was pretty beat.

last practice we ran 8 x 200 repeats at 30 second pace with a minute of rest in between. It shouldn’t have hurt so much, but it did.

The scary thing was that we were running more distance at a faster pace than the sprinters, and we did more repeats! (our team is divided into distance people and sprinter people. we’ve got a big team, like maybe 40 or more people, but the distance team is only 8 people. I guess we’re just the hardcore people.

I’m not sore this morning!

track rocks dude, i run 100 meter dash 400 relay, long jump high jump and discuss, im best at high jump though i hope to get 5’4" this year


Nice chase. I’d like to do jumps, but I’m going to have to look in to that. I’m more of a distance guy myself though.

me too, sprinters SUCK!! hahahah! I’m just kidding, sorry. there’s a big ol’ sprinter VS. distance thing on our team though, fun stuff.
and then of course the throwers, who just sit back, do nothing, and drink 2 liter mountain dews after practice. I wish I was a thrower.

I just got home from practice, today we ran HILLS!! I love hills, I’m weird yes? but this hill actually wasn’t as good, I like the shorter and steeper ones, this one wasn’t very steep but it was about 400m long. AUGH! the shorter steeper ones you can just explode up all the way.

Running is very very boring to me- Uniing and biking are more fun :D. I would rather die than run more than 3 miles. Well, I am slow, fat, and take whole 7:45 to run a mile- my track dreams are ruined…:frowning:

Thanks for using my real name… thats what i was going for


I did long jump last year, but I really sucked. I think my best was about 15 feet… Yeah. But I like the running around in circles part better anyway, so I’m not jumping this year…

i’m very sore right now seeing that my first day back was followed by an intense game of basketball. but ill get over it soon. i run the mile and deuce but the deuce is my specialty. :smiley: