touring europe

hi everyone
so im planning a little tour around europe this summer with my unicycle and i would like to meet other unicyclists to do some ridin and stuff, i am from latvia and we dont have too many unicyclists. please write me if youre interested and tell me in which country and which city youre riding. i dont yet know the dates but it would be around july and august! :slight_smile:

I’m in the Netherlands, in the city of Zoetermeer. I would love to host you for either a distance ride or a MUni ride. Not sure when in July/August I’ll be available, holiday is not yet planned. I might be able to drum up another few riders from the region.

cool, i hope we could do some street and flat as well…
i have to mention im not yet so good at unicycling actually, thats why i want to meet others and maybe someone can tell me what i am doing wrong etc. :smiley:

I’m also in The Netherlands, but this year travelling often to Belgium, Germany, Switserland and Italy.