Tour de France road gap teaser

Freeride Entertainment has a video teaser for the next video “Ride the Lightning”. The teaser shows a bit of the Tour de France road gap jump. No unicycles, but it’s still some good bike porn.

Links to the video: scroll down to near the bottom of the page

Oh hell yea, I love it!!! grinning from ear to ear

Awesome trailer I can’t wait for the whole thing! Watson’s a nut!

it was even over the mayo jorhn,or however you spell yellow jersy in French.

thanx JC

Re: Tour de France road gap teaser

any chance of finding a link that doesn’t require quicktime?

Nope, the format of the preview they released is .mov
Just download quicktime…it don’t cost anything

Nope. The jump was over a group of “slow” riders. Here is a news article about the jump.
Watson Gaps the Tour de France

And here is a still photo of the jump

I like how Watson has his name painted on the road right below the jump. :slight_smile:

i’ve been trying but i keep getting a ‘cannot establish a connection’ error everytime i try n install


must be the low rez,but theres somthing yellow just before take off.i wonder if that was captured by OLN.

Re: Re: Tour de France road gap teaser

Just for you I converted it from QuickTime to AVI. It requires the DivX 5.0.5 codec to play.

You can download DivX from Free DivX Video Software - Play and convert video. Play DivX files.
The link for the free version with no addware is titled
“Download the free DivX Codec/DivX Player bundle”

The video is uploaded to my gallery
I’ll leave it there for a couple days and then delete it.

There are some obvious video compression artifacts in the video. The artifacts are there from the QuickTime compression. Recompressing the video with DivX only made the artifacts worse. Consequently the QuickTime version is better quality. But that’s what happens when you compress a previously compressed video.

I was wondering when I would get to see the clip of that. I heard about it a month ago. looks like it’s pretty sweet indeed.

Re: Re: Re: Tour de France road gap teaser

u r so the man!

thanx john


Re: Re: Re: Re: Tour de France road gap teaser

I hope you like the Marilyn Manson soundtrack.

Do you like the new stuff?
Do you need it? NO!
Do you want it? YAH!
Stand up and admit.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Tour de France road gap teaser

on the machine in my production studio, i have the divx stuff
the on-air studio machine is pretty sacrosanct so we arent allowed to upload any toys to it
i’ll get a chance to check the ‘new’ version out in about an hour or so

originally, i even tried bs-player
nothing doing