On Sunday, May 2, 2010, the Tour de Cure will be held in Long Beach. This is a fundraiser for diabetes. The ride starts at the Queen Mary and ends in San Pedro, 11.3 miles (there are longer rides available). Last year was the first year for this location and the first time that cyclists were ever allowed on the Vincent Thomas Bridge. I was the only unicyclist in the event. I rode my 29" because climbing the bridges was too much for me on my 36". This year I’d like to see more unicycle riders. If you’d like to join me here’s the link to sign up www.diabetes.org/tour-shiptoshore. Click on “Join a Team” then look for “On One Wheel, aka: OOW.” Hope to see you there.
Sounds like a great event. Wish I could come out and join you for that, it’s been a long time since I’ve been out there. I bet there are a number of other unicyclists nearby that might try and make it. Good luck with the event.
Right on, man! I see you there listed on the main screen (OOW). I’ll chew on the idea in my brain a little.