toughest person ever

Sabrina. Hit by cars, 3 times in one day, fights cops, then out of the hospital without a bruise in a few days,

Later jumps off a 40’ bridge onto a road. I think she hurt her ankle.

That’s nothing.

My dad was hit by a house and he was home for dinner later that day.

Fight? My dad’s so tough that bullies take one look at him and punch themselves instead.

Sabrina needs to lay off the crack pipe.

Wait, let me get this straight.
You actually admire this woman?
Did you watch the whole thing?
Or did you skip the bit about her murdering some innocent bloke?

Twelve minutes I wish I could get back.




I admire her physical toughness

Get a good look at the last car that hit her. Assuming this video isn’t fake, I would say she is almost super natural in her toughness of body. Morals or sanity is a different field, clearly she may be lacking there.

I doubt drugs were involved, if a few lines and a bottle of JD could make one so truly tough, we would see many more stories like this. Yet Sabrina stands alone. She is crazy in a special way. I have no rational explanation for her extreme resistance to physical injury.

chuck norris doesnt get hit by cars. he runs them over. chuck norris doesnt jump off bridges. bridges flee chuck norris.

The first car seemed to clip her.
The second gave her a good hit, but not after slowing down after her equally f*cking bonkers twin sister got hit by the lorry.
There are many people that get struck by vehicles and roll up them, and while the damage to the car seems great they remain unharmed.
These are what we call ‘lucky bastards’.
She didn’t get hit by a third car, she just ran onto the opposite lane of the motorway and was subdued by the police and bystanders.
When she jumped off the bridge she broke both her ankles and fractured her skull.
She wasn’t drunk or on drugs.
Nor does she have superhuman strength.
She’s just a nutter.

She’s not just a nutter

I think it’s pretty obvious she’s playing with a different deck. Short a few cards, but perhaps with a few extra cards as well. Not just a nutter, although surely that as well.

It’s not just how the last car that hit her appeared smashed. She was released from hospital in hours, uninjured. It’s one thing to be hit by a car that hard and survive. To walk out uninjured 48 hrs later is amazing. No limp, no bruising, no obvious mental impairment. How long does it take for bruises to heal on your body ? Do you swell up and get stiff for days after big hits ? Me to. Have you ever taken such a huge hit? Me neither.

Again, not amazing, just lucky.
People get into all sorts of scrapes and come away unharmed every day.
I guess karma caught up with her when she jumped off the bridge.
Or possibly when she was caught running down the road hitting herself on the head with a hammer after she stabbed that guy to death.

If you want some tough badasses, go here.
Admittedly Captain Kirk and General Zod aren’t real, but the majority are.

Unicyclist. It is amazing how they are not afraid of risking their lives.

Lucky to smash in the front of a car with your body?

I do not dispute that these woman may have been lucky. I said they were tough. A very different thing. I have lived on the same block with an auto repair shop for 16 years. I have seen many vehicles after they hit someone. Sabrina’s ability to smash the front of vehicles, and remain uninjured, demonstrates a toughness I have not seen before. Perhaps it is all fake, but if not, she get’s my vote for “toughest I have ever heard of”.

Did I miss something or they didn’t explain why Sabrina’s sister got crazy too?
btw I love the psychiatrist accent when he says “bouffée délirante”

I watched all 4 parts, and found the montage strange, but then again the entire story is.
Today I suddenly wondered; why did she shout “they’re gonne replace your organs” in English(!) to her twin sister (besides they were Swedish, most twins practice a secret language among eachother).

Living on a tourist island for many years, I have met many bilingual Swedes, often stunningly gorgeous blonds. They seem to think in English when speaking in an English crowd. The Germans are like that to ( they don’t speak German in my presence). The French, and Haitians, will often speak French in a crowd of English speakers, the Mexicans will speak Spanish also. However, Germans, and Swedes are proud of their English, and will speak English preferentially, when in a crowd of English speakers.

As English isn’t my native tongue either, I know the phenomene where the vocubulairy of a foreign language becomes easier accessable then the native. And you even dream in another language. But if my twin was life-endangered I would not warn in the language that the threat also speak if there was a better alternative.
But then again, it isn’t my hobby to go for apparently no reason to an isle and kill apparently a random person after commiting countless times suicide.

Another thing that doesn’t make sense to me is; if you 1st scream “I know you’re not real” then why would that person be still such a threat?
Maybe I’m judging too easy, but any logic is welcome.

It’s not an ability, it’s what Zzagg said; ‘lucky bastard’. In this case multiple luckies. Nobody has the “ability” to dent cars with their body and escape injury every time.

If they are identical twins, they are genetically identical. Their mental illness is likely to be identical as well, long as it’s genetic and not from injury or illness.

Comments like that suggest schizophrenia. This means her mind is telling her stuff that’s not there, but her senses are still telling her what is there. Obvious confusion! So she may think the people in front of her are the not-real ones, while the stuff in her head is what seems real at the moment.

I only watched the video linked above, so I didn’t see the whole story. What I did see suggests the twins share the same mental illness, and were both off on a crazy off-their-meds spree. Freaky, and super lucky!

I think everybody has the ability to do so, or to have cars go trough their body like if they are (or were?) Casper. But pretty much nobody knows how to use this ability yet.

Or higher consciousness that’s beyond imagination of normal people.
Observing her facial expressions I would say, yes; something more serious than just schizophrenia.
Or to quote a very good befriended police-officer of an elite unit: "the line between mastermind and disturbed is very thin.

Your last word, “moment”, refers to her observations of happenings that were in the linear time system.
“The truth is, there is no spoon”, The Matrix (part 1).
Come to believe. It’s is what’s the message printed on her visor says.

Good guess, pretty close; two forensic/pshychriatic expert came two different but simular conclusions (not limited applicateble to twins only) the other half -of in this case 2 persons- was causing an acute psychotic mind. The conclusion of that conclusion of the brother of the victom was pretty down to earth: such thing would be a pretty easy excuse for anything next she can do.

It’s wicked interresting. Usually these kind of things can only be reached when drugs are involved. But no traces of anything like that were found anywhere. Some occult or spiritual thing would be the next you would think of. If it wasn’t that remarkable I would just say mental ill.
The lack of any results of the hearings makes me also suspect it’s just another militairy intellegence experient or operation that went out of hand.
The way like something disastrous that happened during the UK’s first experiments of deployment of weather manipulation warfare tools.
And I would not be surprised if this miraculous story hasn’t come to a finish yet.

Human behaviour and logic in one sentence. Any idea what you’re asking for?


Drugs can make you do crazy

Also, being crazy, with an identical crazy twin, might give you crazy power squared.

I am glad you are all enjoying this mystery. Assuming it’s not fake (just for fun:)), I think you are all still missing the central point of the mystery.

When Sabrina was processed out of Jail about 48 hrs after being hit by cars, she was not stiff. I am not trying to brag, like I am a guy who has taken some hits. For one thing, what is good about crashing on a dirt bike? Nothing, except you learn a bit about a line, and you get smashed to learn it.

So anyway, as a dirt bike crasher, I was always stiff feeling 48 hrs after a big crash. I would not have been able to move in a fluid way, as Sabrina did. Out of the hospital in 5 hrs, and the jail in 48. I understand the idea that lucky people can survive and recover from injuries. However, as an experienced moron, who has hurt himself in a variety of stupid ways, I believe big hits take time to recover from. The swelling and stiffness is often at it’s peak 48 hrs. after the crash. I regret that I know this, but hey, I know what its like to get smashed. Are you smooth and relaxed in 48 hrs ? No !, swelling and stiffness, lameness, occurs after big hits. You might be all good in a week or so, but if you can smash a car like Sabrina did, and be all good in 48 hrs(for that matter , she never appeared injured), you are tough in a special way.

Who is the toughest here for riding along bridge rails ? Kris Holm I would say, he scares us all to watch his videos. We don’t say he’s insane because he hasn’t fallen and killed himself yet. But admit it, that’s some scary shit. But is he as tough as Sabrina ? How many times has he smashed in the front of a car ? If Kriss fell off the bridge rail, 40 ft , then somehow rolled it out, with only broken ankles and a skull fracture, we would all agree it was because he was very skilled. We would all also say he was tough. 40 feet is a long way.

Kriss Holm is a very skilled and brave man, but is he as tough as Sabrina?

The question isn’t who is skilled and brave enough to ride the bridge rail, or why,…rather, what happens to you when you fall 40’ to pavement? Let’s not confuse talent or sanity, with Sabrina. She was tough, and jumped 40’ onto a motorway. A supreme act of toughness. Insane, sure, but she only broke her ankles and denting her skull seems to have had no effect. She shrugged it off.

Toughest person ever.

I want to make up a factoid

It’s bs, I didn’t actually take a survey. 99 % of people that do suicide jumping, don’t pick the 4th floor. Even crazy people think it out a bit. Jumping from the 3rd or 4th floor is gonna hurt. A lot. Not a suicide move. Sabrina just thought it was doable.