Touch Screen Computer Uses

My moms coworker when ever he has computer stuff he doesn’t want or thinks I’ll like, hill give it to me, stuff like monitors, a server, and the best so far, a old touch screen computer running windows 2000. Its a fun little thing that I use as a jukebox. A few days ago he told me he had some more stuff for me and one of the things was another touch screen computer.

So i was wondering if anyone had any idea of what I might be able to do with it, and/or what other people do with there’s or have seen them used for?

build a fake ATM, use it to skim people’s credit cards

I knew id get at least ONE of these :stuck_out_tongue: sorry but there MINE :smiley:

WELL, the KOOL part is the one I have now DOES have a card reader. :stuck_out_tongue:

Put a bunch of roms and emulators on it and make it a gamestation.
If it has a dvd drive and/or a network card, make it a media center.

Id use it for everything except gaming.

I already know that, I tried playing starcraft on the last one, its a cool way to play, but it kinda hard.

You lucky pup!

Your just jealous of my connects.

I’m gonna start bugging you now to see what you might pass on to me.

(for starters, do you have a simple laptop running either Vista or whatever came right before Vista? I have need for a dedicated machine to gather and process video stills)

Interactive pr0n?

Load it up with some eBooks and start reading.

Might I suggest this book to begin with?

HA, my mom always bugs me about my spelling on this forum, she has to read all my post and make comments on it.

I don’t have any laptops or anything, the only computer I have that’s could really do that is my main one which I always use (and I’m using now), and windows xp is the main OS that came out before vista.

Okay time for a threadjack: what the heck is that thing in your avatar? :astonished:

Media computer… Running Boxee or Miro or something :slight_smile:

WELL before I changed it to a pics of me going :astonished: it was a picture of a monster named Rajang from the Capcom video game “Monster Hunter freedom 2” for the Sony PSP
The final offline mission is to kill 2 of these guys, the second one being twice as big as the first one
When they get mad there hair turns yellow (super saiyan) and fire around giant gold orbs of lightning
I never could do it :frowning:

Okay, thanks for the info! I must have missed this reply because I was away from the computer for a week around NewYaarTime, but I’m back.

btw I enjoyed seeing your new 7’ giraffe today, awesome machine, maybe later this year I’ll find courage enough to try riding it…