forums are revamped!

Hi, everyone! The unicycle forums have been completely redone, and all members were lost. Please re-register and if you haven’t registered yet, please do so! We are not in any way asking you to leave these forums, but just to use our forums as kind of a secondary.

Tyler Cox Forums Moderator

What’s your policy on posting the exact same thread in multiple forums there?

we dont have the need for another forum we have this one and which are perfectly fine so dont be suprised if your member numbers are low. by kids for kids


This is funny. Let me know how those forums are doing.

why would anyone want to go to a forum where only the most annoying members congregate?

Because they are the most annoying members.

Maybe they will all go there and live:)

Hahahahaha I got banned doing the exact thing to their lame ass forum that they did to this one. Guess that means you can ban them Gilby.

gilby can you please ban tyler we dont nees these stupid threads about web sites that are competitors of you thats just like taking mc donalds and going to burger king and addvertising :angry:

that site is lame.
Boo, Boo

maybe we should have a minimum ago of, say, 15 to post here. exceptions could be made but on a trial basis. also, i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, these forums are some of the least spammy and most polite forums on the net. everyone should suck it up and quit bitching. and tyler, you really should stop posting so much worthless crap. grow up just a little bit, please.

how about we just banned them or make it so they can only post in the trash can

I realy like that idea. It would just save gilby time by not having to move it there each time.

exactly or like on of the other posts that sais create a kiddie korner for them childish people who dirty up the forum

so the site isn’t great.

you are all too uptight about literally/seemingly everything. chill out and get a grip.


Pleeease just ban tyler cox…please…all I ask is a ban. He’s not over an age were he can obviously be responsible, and he’s making peopel mad, and peopel are making him mad. Theres a reason why one most forums you have to be a certain age to post. This is an open community and it think it’s great that Gilby allows anybody to post, but really, you guys are abusing it. So Tyler, either grow up, or please Gilby ban him until he’s a coupel years older and wiser.

stop asking for members to be banned. it is not a reasonable solution to a very minor problem.

I’m not trying to argue here, but it’s a little more than a minor problem. Look at the JC…