hey you guys, i was thinking, what would happen if thee was no such thing as a unicycle? what would we all do? sumthing diiferent from everyone else who doesmnt unicycle? wWhat would we do
I was doing these before I learned to unicycle …
I was good enough to do a 360 without missing my feet or loosn balance
(out of practice now)
Oh , forgot about my pogo stick … heheh
and my minibikes, and my fishing pole … hmmm , and the swimming pool … hmmmm , etc ,
Pogo Stick, Snowboard, and Dance would have probably taken over my life(it kida has, seeing as how i dance at least 30 hours a week…)
Hanging out with kids at the youth center, probably still trying to ride that evil skateboard. Going to church. Maybe playing violin, although I think riding unicycle got me playing violin better cause I found what happens when I try hard enough.
I’d probably do parkour. That’s the sweetest sport ever, aside from unicycling.
And I’d be a better Rubiks Cuber, I’d still do magic, I’d have better grades, the list goes on…
Parkou is dope, Sean(Goatman!) and I do it all the time at our school, but a bettah site is:
It’s tought me most of what I know.
Oh and I’d probably do alot mor TKD an Acrobatic Stuff like at:
Yeah, Urban FreeFlow is a good one. But le-parkour.com has the best videos.
Whenever I’m unicycling, and something’s too big for my unicycle to take, I do Parkour on it. But I’m not that good…
Sean and I Kick but at rail walking, handspins and some vaults. We even made our own, very original vault for really high drops…
Id just ride my dirt bike and quad more.
i thinki would prolly get into parkour, but you all learned about parkour after you learned to uni though, well i did…
Finish college. Get a career.
Oh well.