totally immature

whoever signed up for total uni’s forum just becuase you don’t like him is extreamly immature.
i think catboy signed up and on every thread posted a disgusting picture.
and then theres a few other people who signed up too just to say that the forum sucked and was way better.

so please.
only sign up for total uni’s forum if you acutly want to talk about unicycles and other stuff.


ah god keep it to yourself on your own forum :angry:



Re: totally immature

Of coruse! WE CAN BLAME EVERY THING ON CATBOY! sarchasm :smiley:

I was just trying to stop people from messing up a forum.
im sorry if this anoyed you.
and now this forum is starting to anoy me even more.
goodbye everyone

alrighty then shoo shoo…


what were those pictures anyways? I’m interrested

wow that was incredible nice.
thanks alot

hahahahah well said unitik908, but just because total uni is not liked doesnt mean he cant stand up for himself let him do the talkin he’s a big boy :thinking: I think :thinking:

he got banned

I can understand banning Catboy, but one of the keys to a successful forum is members. You’re going to need member. You can’t ban everyone.



NO MURDE catboy wasnt banned from this forum he was banned from total uni’s site, and beleive me uniwill he has another account his name is like good rider or something like that.

haha! they banned my from total’s forum!


I must say it would have been funny though

lol…why catboy is wasome his sarchasm rocks

no acutly.
that is total uni’s first account.
and i used it for awhile becuase the sign up form was down.
but now evan use’s it now.
the name of it is:good unicycler

Discussion of that forum really doesn’t belong in this forum. Chastising the people spamming the totaluni forums should be done there where only those people will be targeted.

Posting about it here is a thinly veiled attempt at further advertising those forums.

//edit: little proofreading

indeed god just leave already go talk amonst you total and tyler :angry: