Total Uni's Site

at least someone on this forum has some sence

I agree wholeheartedly, and have posted eerily similar statements in the past.

Time to make a Uni-Library section or Uni-Noobie section with ‘stickyfied’ usefull threads.

Just take the time to make a section, or a split second to stickify it to the top.

Just have to recognize the material as good and worthy stickyism.

This is what I said to his original post about his site.

"You spelled Jess Riegel’s name incorrectly, as well as have quite alot of work to do editing the site. But it was made with an easy creator… not HTML so, what can you expect.

If you want to get better at web design, a simple easy-creator is not the way to go."

and after being bashed for what I said:

"I wasn’t trying to offend or insult Evan at all, he really did spell Jess’ name incorrectly, as well as having quite a few spelling/gramatical errors to fix. If he really wants to get good at web design, I seriously reccomend learning some basic HTML, just so if he does want to change his site, and his page-design editor wont allow it, he could view the page source and edit it in a text file.

I use this book, probably one of the best on the market:

(insert pic of my HTML 4 book)"

here was total uni’s repsonse:
“dude, catboy, put a fucking cork in it.”
and… like 1 minute later in a different post:
"note: i didnt ask for you shity advise on my site catboy.

(i banned catboys name on my fourm already, LOL)"

So obviously, he doesn’t care about:
A) programming
B) getting better
C) looking like… no, being an idiot
D) giving credit where credit is due

The forums may have “eveolved”, John but compare late 2002 and early 2003 to late 2004 and early 2005, and you should come up with the same thoughts as I did. In 2002 the age of people on the forums were, on average, considerably older. JC was dominated by Jagur, Phil, rhysling and a few other good fellows, who never got in fights… Nowadays it seems like every other thread is a fight. I’ve been here since late in 2002, and people didn’t have a problem with me then. I’ll admit I have changed a little, but I’m still(basically) the same person, I just seem to be worse since I am having to defend myself constantly, and to no avail. Which, of course, gets me a little pissed off and brash.

I’d have to say though Jagur is right when he says:

Bunk… only, it applies to 75% of the forums sometimes.

that still gives you no reason to post just to make someone feel bad.

two wrongs dont make a right.
(but 4 lefts makes you go in a circle:D )

This house may not be made of glass, but how about putting down the rocks? If your point is to imply you are more mature than total uni, how about starting by not quoting profanity, thank you very much?

So stop fighting. You’ll be amazed at the results. Someday Israel and Palestine will figure this out as well. Hopefully in our lifetimes. Get it?


its common on these forums to spend more time talking about bettering the forums and not actually doing it. Also i wouldnt listen to anyone on these forums cuz the people that post here a lot are the ones who spend more time talking about unicycling than actually riding. everyone needs to chill.those are my words. im sure ill be quoted as it is also common to have everything you say held against you like this is a courtroom or something. peace

Yup. I’ll quote you. Yeah, that’s it…I talk more than I ride. Because I spend every waking minute of my non-class life riding. Um, it’s snowing. And I’m hungry. Therefore, I will go home and eat. I also have homework. Unicycling is not the extent of my life. Student, musician, unicyclist, bicyclist all take up space in my life. What about the people who work all day? Surely you can’t think that they ride 8 hours a day to make up for being at work? Maybe there are, but I doubt its everyone.