total uni has made a site and forums. He wants some people to transfer there where he is not banned. Go to
Wait wait wait… let me get this straight, Evan actually thinks people will transfer to his site from here as an alternative???
As for you, Zebra, I am amazed that you would even stoop to this level or advertising for Evan as well as a site of that poor quality.
this site is going downhill fast, for those smart people out there, they can go to and use those fourms, evan will not tolorate insults or other fourm crime.
if you have a suggestion you can email him at (i think thats his email)
According to Evans site, there are 8 members in 8 hours.
too bad i had an idea that i was unleashing. All you people go spam up his forum and mess around with him. I really dont like him. I am an undercover spy hired by catboy. Moc and laugh with me at EVAN!!!
yeh i agree no offense but these forums are awesome
the best thing about is the fact that we have gilby
and if we go to totaluni’s site then we lose the best thing in a forum also also
how total uni doesnt stand for foul language but the next best thing is that gilby lets us do our own thing and i mean cussing isnt encouraged but we dont get banned after one cuss word
and dont you think that total uni got banned for a reason???
just my nickels worth
This is not true, there are starting to be many useless threads and posts but the majority of them are still very good. One person started saying this and everyone else believed them now several people are repeating it. It’s like mob psychology. Also the people who are often saying that “The forums are dieing” are the ones who are causing the most damage to the forums. There’s just a handful of people that are doing it but it make the forums less enjoyable for many people. Many people are hypocritical on the forums also, making off topic posts then doing the same them selves or swearing then telling others not to swear. Even with some people not being considerate, the forums are not “dieing”
I concor with kayce
what the hell catboy.
i’m sure you have been told this before.
why do you make these pointless posts just to make people feel bad?
its people like you that are making this forum worse.
personally I think gilby should try and delete all these posts that people make that have no purpose other then to make fun of people.(but you are still doing a good job gilby.)
you bug me to no end catboy.
the only other forum I talk on is and thats because it is a good forum, but this forum is full of informative stuff and always keeps you up to date on everything. Also just because is having hard times people shouldnt just leave. DONT worry it will all be good soon:D
Wait, did I miss something? Total uni really got banned? HAHAHAHA!!! That’s gotta be a record. Somebody getting banned from a forum. HAHAHAHAHA!!! I’m not being mean or anything, but that’s pretty bad.
I dont think he did because he posted a thing for his forum allready…Well I think it was him
yeah I totally agree.
It really throws me for a loop every time someone says something negative about this forum or that it’s going downhill. It just strikes me that they must be awful naive.
I may have only joined this forum in the beginning of December, but I’ve sure been around the 'net for awhile. I was on a team that adminned a rather huge college board (phbb) for 2.5 years before we got burned out doing it and passed it on to the next generation. (We, in turn, had inherited it from the founder) It took constant work to keep that board civil and even close to the quality that this place stays by itself. Granted, that board drew a shit-ton more traffic, but that’s not the point. The point is you go to say, the somethingawful or the X-E forums, any college, or God-forbid any gaming forum and you’ll see complete flame chaos. That’s just the way the internet works. (I’m not linking because 11-13 year olds shouldn’t be exposed to that stuff)
This place is a diamond in the rough. It’s amazing how good this place is with minimal moderation. The only thing screwing it up is the constant complaining that it’s screwed up. Gilby is doing a great job. However I’m sure he has much better things to do that read this site 24/7 picking up after the little kids, so the best thing we can do when they bicker is just ignore them and let the threads cycle off the bottom of the page. We DON’T need to post things like how bad the site is getting, because no admin wants to read shit like that. No one likes to be told their hard work has been for nothing. Keep the crazy forum doomsday predictions to yourself. It’s rude and you risk making it self fulfilling.
good way of puting it Seager:)
Furthermore, it is ridiculous that someone who has been a member for only a few months would have the arrogance to say that the forum is dying. I have been a member for about a year and a half and was reading the site for at least six months before that, and I do not feel that I have any authority to make a comment on the longevity of the forums. It is one thing if a senior poster makes a comment about the changing atmosphere of the forums but quite another if a newbie does the same.
The reason that some people seem to think that the forums are dying is because the excess of pointless threads and posts, and yet, they will post saying nothing further than that the forums are dying! Obviously, this reeks of absurdity. By responding to this post I am only furthering the problem, but the hope is that some of the more obnoxious posters will take a hint and either leave or reduce their level of posting.
A quick note on JC: Just because JC has no rules regarding content, this is not a reason to post crap over and over and over again. There is no reason why the “Most Replys” thread should not contain all this uselessness. After all, that is what the “Most Replys” thread was created for. So please, no more stupid contests. Honestly, no one cares about someone’s stupid and ill-conceived designs that provide no educational value or interest to anyone whatsoever.
A quick note on flaming: Seemingly, this is something that arouses great conflict in a lot of people. While I understand this, several pages of posts arguing this is far worse than the original comment. Some people are asses and there is not much that one can do about it. By engaging in an online forum one gives tacit consent to be exposed to the whims of other members. While of course it is no fun to be the victim of an unkind and often unqualified remark, one must recognize that it may happen and that it does not matter in any stretch of the imagination. It is pretty pointless to try to save face on an internet forum. My advice is first, not to flame others because feelings are always hurt in the process, and second, do not respond it unless is it necessary.
One thing further: I am in full support of Gilby (or other moderators) closing threads at their discretion. JC (just conversation, not John Childs, in case there is any confusion) especially is in the habit of reviving awful threads over and over again. Why? I have no idea. Even though it is only trouble for the moderators to step in, it often is to the benefit of all the members.
PLEASE TRY TO POST ONLY USEFUL IDEAS IN RSU (there is not need to post that you agree with something, it is redundant).
PLEASE TRY TO REFRAIN FROM CONTINUOUS POSTING IN JC (JC is always better with less traffic, except for the “Most Replys” thread).
PLEASE STOP BEING INCREDIBLY ANNOYING (this is targeted to many of the younger posters on the forum).
Thank you.
I agree wholeheartedly.
ahh, i didnt read it, no point, i posted what i want to say and you guys critazize it when i was meerly asking for you to join my fourm wich even backs up my reason for having a new fourm.
there is no point in responding cause i will not read you reply.
I guess “total uni” is now “good unicycler.” What’s wrong with him creating his own site and forums? It’s a good way to learn some programming, and also to learn the other side of the coin about administering an open communications forum.
If he chooses to be more restrictive and hands-on in his moderation that’s a good learning experience as well. These forums have too much traffic for someone to do that, and also make a living and keep making improvements. And ride unicycles. At least that’s Gilby’s approach.
The forums are not dying, but I think they must constantly evolve. What happens is that after a while, most topics have been covered several times, resulting in several similar topics that are miles down the list. Searchable if a person knows to do so, and what to search for. But long old posts are sometimes a pain to read through, so people create new ones. Then it gets old re-reading a lot of the same stuff being repeated, so older forum members lose interest. They are replaced by new people, many of whom have “old” questions. The forum model is not the best way to disseminate every kind of information, but it’s very reactive and fluid. I like it. And it’s a good distraction from whatever I’m supposed to be doing…
couldnt have put it better, thanks John!