Torker Unistar LX Wheelsize?

im curious as to what size of tire i should get, i have been unicycling for about a year on a 10$ unicycle and its just gone too far with damage, so i am getting a Torker LX im not sure if i should get a 20 inch or a 24 inch, im thinking 20 inch but i was curious what u guys think, i am 5 feet and 87 lbs, so 20 or 24?

I would say the 20-inch.

It really depends on how you ride though, if you like doing stunts, jumping, freestyle stuff, the 20-inch is perfect.

If you are more into doing some longer distances, but you wanna be able to do technical Muni, while still being able to do street, and trials, then a 24-inch will be best.

If you like doing rather long distances, but wanna keep some of the technical muni stuff, but don’t wanna do much street\freestyle\or trials, then a 26-inch will fit you best there.

I don’t remember if Torker makes 29-inch unis, but if you do, I think you’ll see the pattern from the first 3 options to see what a 29er will be good for.

When choosing the size of your unicycle, it’s not really about your size/weight. Basically the bigger the wheel the faster it goes, but the less technical/maneuverable it becomes (without working at it a bit harder).

If you don’t freestyle/street/muni, then you don’t really have to worry about anything besides speed vs. maneuverability. I personally ride a 20-inch when I want to learn new tricks, and sometimes I ride it for street riding (skateboard like tricks). I ride a 24-inch for muni and faster street tricks. I ride a 28 inch on windy roads where I need to make sure I have enough control to not get hit by a car, and a 36 on roads with a lot of shoulder because they are fastest.

So it all depends on what you want to do! If you already have a 20-inch (even if it’s not great), why not get a 24/26 to add some variety?