im haveing trouble decideing and some help would be appreaciated
Are you just learning? How tall are you? What kind of riding do you want to do with it–trials or muni?
im a level 4 and ive been uniing since december im like 5’9 - 5’10
and mostly muni
any other sugestions that arent dxs are welcome as long as they cost more or less the same
for muni, you would probablly want the bigger 24" wheel. What size wheel do you have now?
ive got a 20 in lx that i broke
yeah if you are doing mainly Muni you definitely want to get the 24 in.
just get both!. but seriously for muni get the 24"
my 2.5 cents
Get the 24" for muni. I personally prefer a 20" because I like to be able to manuever and I learned on a 20". Still though. I’d reccomend the 24"