torker conversion

i have had my torker for a while(about a year) and i was wondering if it’s possible to put a trials wheelset and some splined cranks on it. is it THAT strong, or will it break after my abuse?

Depends what Torker you have. An LX I suspect?

or CX?? :thinking:

or TX? nah just kidding

Or TX. :smiley:

i got a lx

A LX can take a reasonable amount of abuse unlike the DX (which is what i have) which still demands a beating. :smiley:

I had a LX b4 but never liked the seat because i found it to be very uncomfortable. :smiley:

Unconfortabe seat?

Wow the dx must have a VERY comfy seat

Well my DX seems to. :smiley: :smiley: