Tore my hamstring

It sucks I tore my hamsting in school yesterday. Right as another kid tore his ACL in his knee. His is much worse but mine it still pretty bad too. Doctor said it should be perfect by December at the very most or it could take as little as 3 weeks. I really hope it’s closer to the 3 weeks:D Well at least I get to stay home for a couple days.

ouch, how did you do it?

Oww! Sorry man!

I was playing Ultimate Frisbee lol

At least it was a hardcore dangeros sport :wink: Did you slip or somthing?

Yeah I ran off the field into the track and my foot slipped forward making my leg go like unnaturally straight and then I just felt it like tear

Ultimate frisbee is the bomb! Sorry bout your hamstring. I kinda feel your pain cause I just sprained my ankle pretty bad and am supposed to stay off it a couple months.:frowning:

I’ve felt your pain. I tore my hamstring during a failed jumping dock start while water skiing in 2005. After a few days all the blood from the torn tissues made its way through the muscle to form a huge bruise mark just above the back of my knee. Very pretty.

Where was your avatar pic taken?

Yeah I’m starting to get small bruises too. That pictures not of me, it’s of Xavier Collos on some island lol. I just found it one day and really liked it.