

Hey, the 29er is fixed!!

yep!,and almost ready for sale…


L dot.

HOW MUCH?!?! I need a new Uni!!! or a MUni!!! WAAAHH!!! :frowning:

It’s gone :frowning:


awwww man! I was gonna buy it, too! I, at least, would have been able to ride it when it got to me. grrr

i wouldnt have sold it to you.

would you have sold it to me?

Man I wish I had more cash. That thing was a sweet deal for what he sold it for. But, of course, I got my MUni. Next time you put up something like this Jagur, we may be doing business.

sorry.i wasnt going to sell it to anyone under thirty.especially not to an under 30 post padder.

ooH! FACE!

Indeed. But I’m sure if I had offered him the $365 he wanted he would have sold it to me. I’m almost positive he’d rather sell it to a youngin for full price than to a 40 year old for $300. Money is money.

no offence,but i really wouldnt have…if i really wanted $365 i would have waited longer…the most important thing about selling this unicycle was getting it in the right hands and i think that putting it in the hands of an adult would better lead to a good home.

then there is that little thing about getting it to sombody that contributes more than just “replys” to the forum. :wink:

Well I have been trying to help out my fellow unicyclists whenever possible. I’ve been replying in RSU as often as possible, but my pool of knowledge isn’t as great as yours or, say, JC. I’m replying less in Just Conversation (my post count is down to a mere 14.5 per day!) and trying to be more serious. I’m trying anyways.

Now I see why I didnt get the super niner damn that under 30 thing, I’ll show you jag next shirt I make is going to be 30 and under only.

you didnt get it because you didnt offer anything other than telling me to wait 2 months till you had the cash.

i dont think this uni was right for you,besides im pretty sure that i got the worst of the ghetto screened MUni Militia shirts anyway…so there,we are even…

29er’s are more of an older persons unicycle anyways. It’s an XC muni designed for riding fast on XC trails. No freeriding on a 29er muni – the wheel can’t handle it.

The ideal customer for a muni like Jag’s is someone wanting to ride fast on XC trails and possibly race. Riding like an XC racer is more of an older person’s activity. The younger riders want to do freeride style stuff rather than the boring XC riding.

I don’t have a 29er yet, but it is on my list. At this time I’m not wanting to ride like an XC racer. If I had a 29er muni now it would not get much use. The 24x3 muni and 26x3 muni are too much fun. And I’ve got my new GB4 Coker to satisfy my need for speed. My Coker can handle easy XC stuff without flexing the wheel like Sofa’s. At this time I don’t have the need for a 29er muni. If I get interested in doing a 24 hour MTB race that will change. 29er’s and Cokers are what you need for that type of riding.

The sad thing is I’m prity sure I tried to send you one of the better shirts that was printed. The patch was one of the top prints made too I believe but it was on a scrap of tshirt so it would never have had much life if you didnt want it.

Your probably right about the 29er thing I probably wouldnt ride it that much concidering the style of off road stuff that I do the most.