
People of the UK! Clear your sunday evenings for the next goodness knows how many weeks… 24 is back on!

If it’s anything like the last series, it’ll be bloomin’ brilliant.

BBC2, 10pm - be there…


24 is the best thing since sliced bread (except unicycling)
and Jack Bauer is an absolute king, wot a guy!
I knicked a copy of the last series on box set off a m8 for a while and it was even better the second time!
Can’t wait!
has it already been on in the US?

Re: 24!!!

Phil, you’ve done it again…

I have absolutely no idea about what that post is about :thinking:

uni57 (Dave)

Does the show have a Keefer(sp?) Sutherland in it?

u Americans! i give up
24 is the best show. its about terrorists and stuff and it works in realtime, so the series in 24 hours long.
aparanatly it was really big in the US. it does have Keifer Sutherefield in

Re: Re: 24!!!

You mean you’ve NEVER HEARD of 24!!! Find out! Buy the first series on DVD/video! Now! You won’t regret it…


My mom got the first series on DVD free at work. She sold it on ebay and got like $40. I’ve never seen it, because we left it in the package.


tell ur mum i would have paid £100 pounds for the DVD version and she shouldn’t hav sold it to some fool on ebay. next time sell it to ME!!!:smiley:

credit cards out…


and for those of you in the U.S:



For Brits, it’s cheaper at www.play.com.



<runs in circles excitedly>



I will have to say otherwise. The best shows must be The Simpsons, Popeye or something along the lines Just for Laughs on the Comedy Network. Cartoons or comedy is where its at. But the History channel is by far the best channel. What about some other people here?

Personally I thought 20 was better. It was a bit lighter, and had more cunning tricks in it, but it wasn’t quite as fast paced. And 36 was OK, but it just seemed to cruise along a bit with no real effort. :smiley:

10 minutes to go. Why aren’t I camped out in front of the tele yet? Oh yeah, because our kitchen chairs are instruments of torture.


Re: Hej

On the contrary… while I enjoy the Simpsons, because there are simply so many of them I don’t rush home for them. If I miss some, it doesn’t really matter.

24, however, was the first programme in ages I made a conscious effort to not miss.


Re: Re: Re: 24!!!

Okay, Phil. I’ll buy it on Tuesday. Tuesday is my four month anniversary. Four months ago on Tuesday, a big box arrived from unicycle.com – with a shiny new Semcycle Deluxe – and I started learning to ride.

I’m just going to buy the DVD boxed set. I still don’t know anything about it. But if you say it’s good, that’s enough for me.

Was it filmed on your side of the pond? Am I going to have to turn on the subtitles?

uni57 (Dave)
P.S. - Is Kris in it much? :slight_smile:

Look James, please, I didn’t mean to start an international incident. I haven’t heard of most things. I don’t watch television.

uni57 (Dave)

Re: Re: Re: Re: 24!!!

No, it was filmed on your side of the stream, so you should be able to tell what they’re saying.

As for unicycles, you’ve got to look really closely. The cameraman coming into the scene is much easier to spot.*


  • when Nina is in the barn… he comes in from the right

Yes, the first season of 24 was excellent. I watched it from a DVD set that someone loaned us. You can rent the individual DVD’s from Blockbuster Video. Each disk is 4 hours (4 episodes). I don’t watch much TV, but my wife and I watched all 24 hours in 10 days. It is hard to turn off. I don’t know how it would be watching the broadcast version, I might go crazy waiting for the next show!
I will rent the current season as soon as it comes out. This time I will only allow myself to watch it if I practice idling my unicycle in the living room the whole time. I did that for the entire second half of the Spurs vs. Lakers the other night. My idling benefited greatly (left and right, 1 and 2 foot all coming along) and I am pretty sure it hlelped the Spurs beat the evil Lakers.


24 was good untill Jacks wife suddenly…(oh oh wait for it)…lost her memory???..give me a bloody break!