Hey everyone. So I just made a vid with my favorite lines from 2008. I re-edited it three times and kept putting it to new music but I think I’ve got what I want now, haha. There’s mostly footage that you’ve proabably already seen but there’s some I havn’t posted yet too, so check it out and let me know what you think.
There’s nothing too technical, impressive, or tricky. Just riding and having fun.
Enjoy it!
I smell a sponsorship for Jackie in the future with this video. I’ve got to say this is the Best video from you I’ve seen so far.
were there three treyflips or three 360 unispins down the pallets and the big curb
really nice vid
sry for the bad english:o , i hope you can understand it:p
Wow fantastic, and your downhill speed is amazing…especially in the snow! And those big drops and no-footers are impressive to say the least! Great video JS!
ok, yeah i thougt it was a 360 unispin but he flips a little bit
it’s the weight on the bottom of his pedal haha he has a chunk of a cutting board on it so he can grind.
Wow you have crazy speed, you need to get on a 36in and race in RTL.
And those drops were huge, just next time film that at a really low angle, it would make them look twice as big.
Great video.
I lika da video…
SuperSweet downhill…
Yeah, I love all your Vids Jackie… you are a talented man.
Very nice, very nice indeed.
You should have included bails though dude, those are the best from you!
I’m sure Jackie’s got enough killer bails to make at least a 5 minute video haha
haha, thats stupidly fast riding there! I didn’t think that was physically possible!
dude u were cruisin!!!
simply amazing
Wow, thanks everyone! I really appreciate your kind words.
Maddie’s right, when I ride street, I do old-school. My cranks wobble a lot so sometimes it looks like I’m doing treys though.
I occasionaly do no-footer crankflips and varriations on said trick though.
I don’t think I’ll use this for a sponsorship vid though… if I try to get sponsored, I’m going to make a vid with all new footage. The stuff for this vid is just chilling out and stuff (for the most part). Most of the clips were first takes. I’d want to try to push my limits a bit for a sponsorship vid.
Thanks so much though.
Your comments really mean a lot to me… I feel l♥ved!!!
I have a question, why do you wear a helmet doing Muni but not street?
Shouldn’t it be the other way around?
Street is really easy for me. I might not neccesarily complete my line or trick on the first few or even first ten tries, but it’s not hard for me and just a matter of concentration.
In muni, I sometimes don’t wear a helmet (usually in Summer) but the way you’ll fall is so unpredictable that I feel more comfortable with a helmet.
I have yet to take a serious bail in street. Muni, it happens a few times every year.
nice work man, your becoming one of my favourite riders on here. Love the Muni and the big street, very nice
This vid seems roughly equivalent to some sponsorship vids I’ve seen. So if you do one where you actually push your limits, it should be amazing.