Top Ten People with the Biggest Carbon Footprint

We know corporations/companies/governments are big carbon burners but how about the individual for personal use. Who’s are the biggest pigs that don’t do nothing to compensate for all the waste.(Like planting a tree)

John Travolta because he flys a plane instead of a car.:smiley:
No, I don’t know. I think John does some nice things. It just that I saw him on Ellen.

Would we know who they are? Would it always be the richest person? Could it be some guy from 500 years ago? I just don’t know.

Al gore.

Your momma’s so fat, she got the biggest carbon butt-print.

(sorry, I couldn’t resist)

I like footprints, even though i live in the Sahara.

haha the native saharan kolas

Tom Cruise is bad. That’s all I know about this though.

That Al Gore comment just makes you look extremely ignorant. But it’s ok now you’ll go on and tell me to relax cause it was just a joke or something. Kind of the same pattern with you guys isn’t it? Speak out until someone is offened then fall back on, “hey it was just a joke.”

Well Al Gore does fly a lot more than most people, I know his carbon footprint is way bigger than mine. Super sereal.

You seem to like links a great deal. Here’s one of many to Al Gore’s VERY inconvenient truth.

No, it’s not a joke. Now go on YouTube and look up other cute video’s, Shaun. I’m not going to tell you to relax, I can’t tell if you are or aren’t, but I will say your YouTube shenanigans and internet detective work is highly impressive. My 6 year old cousin is stumped on who stole the cookie, care to help?

Harper, if it’s not from YouTube it’s not true. Stupid pants.

Algore’s a big hypocrite, but I suppose most politicians are.

Nuh uhh! Shaun said he ain’t and he’s a down right detective. If he said it, or YouTube it must be true. Shaun’s brilliant you know.

Don’t a be stupid pants. Shaun knows everything, he’s 20.

Did you read the entire article?

Al Gore pays for carbon offsets. While you can disagree with the validity of paying for carbon offsets. As far as carbon footprints are concerned he has theoretically decreased his to zero and he is in the process of reducing his initial carbon output, by upgrading his compound, etc. So he is practicing what he preaches.

It’s certainly something to be noted that the people that pointed out Al Gore’s high utility bills (which BTW are higher per kwh because he pays extra for renewable energy sources) are a think tank paid for by the oil companies.

If I’m correct Al does own the the place where one would purchase the offsets at, so it’s kind of like me walking down the street and taking money from my left hip pocket to the right.

I’m not 100% sure on that, I wouldn’t be surprised if I was wrong.

Even if Gore does own the company. Carbon offsets are being made for the amount of carbon that Gore produces in addition to those they are being done for their customers. Either way Gore’s carbon output is being offset

Hence why I said his carbon footprint is zero, theoretically.

The validity of Carbon offsets is a completely different issue.

I’ve got you.

I mean, I’m super cereal.


Al Gore sells snake oil? Cool. It must be good stuff since he uses it himself.

unibikeling, are you lost in the wrong account?

That’s like saying it’s okay that Al Gore punches six babies every day 'cause he also saves another six babies from hunger every day.

Any way you slice it, Al Gore is still a baby puncher.
