Top posters

I was bored so I made this list of the top posters over 1000
posts and their join date.

jagur 11-26-2001 1927
harper 09-30-2001 1855
rhysling 09-22-2001 1601
john_childs 10-21-2001 1098
Sofa 03-13-2002 1084
AccordNSX 12-14-2001 1052

Some close races here.

I’m sure harper would be ranked 1st if it was for worthwhile comments.
Like this comment, most of mine are worthless.

Count me out of the worthwhile content race and put John Childs and Jagur at the top. Rhysling is like us and has too much fun fooling around. I said limited WORTHWHILE content, not limited IMPORTANT content. We know what’s important.

unibabyguy, have you seen <>?

Klaas Bil [no sig line for forum posts]

When I saw the title I thought this thread was going to be about top posting vs. bottom posting in the newsgroup. That’s a fun discussion.

Top posting is where you write your comments above any quoted material. Bottom posting is where you write your comments below the quoted material. The newsgroup gods are very religious on this issue. According to them, top posting is the work of the devil. Only through bottom posting do you gain enlightenment.

Just do a Google search on “top-posting bottom-posting” (without the quotes) and have fun.

For the record, I like top posting except in cases where bottom posting is more appropriate. :slight_smile:

I recently looked at my post count (this is #143). I was shocked it was so high. Certainly I didn’t have over 140 worthwhile things to say (maybe 100 or 130, tops). Since then, I’ve been working to lower my posting rate.

Look, I’ve said nothing again. Oh, well… Another day, another 1.23 posts.

uni57 (Dave)

Wow that’s a lot of data. Are you sure you have time to ride a unicycle? :slight_smile:

When I first saw the topic line I though this was going to be about our favorite posters, like Farrah Faucet (sic), Che, or hmmm, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. I for one have Janis Joplin looking down at me over my desk at the office.

Oh dear, have I dated myself?

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

This will be my 993rd post… woo, nearly the big one K.

I think they started off all about unicycling, generally inquiries when I was fresh and new. Now, though, it’s the occasional list of trivia and not much else. It’s all downhill from here… sigh


Re: Top posters

Ooh, I just figured out how you did it. Very clever.

Click the members button (it’s across from “user cp”) then click Advanced Search. Scroll all the way down and say Order By: posts in descending order

I’m in 51st place. If I lower my posting rate, maybe I can drop down to 57th place!

Excuse me, unibabyguy, I need to talk to Phil now and I don’t want to increase my post count. Hey, Phil – a similar thing happened to me. I started out with actual unicycling questions. Since then I’ve graduated to general nothingness and an occasional post about how to mount or how to learn to unicycle.

uni57 (Dave)

If someone made a poster of my pic, it would be worthless. Farrah Fawcett (sic, NOT) would be much more meaningful and worthwhile. She would be great for top or bottom posting.

My real vote, though, as requested by my trials uni, goes for John Childs, dressed as “Mr. Goodwrench”, brushing his teeth with blue Loctite, in Profile.


hows agoin

Below any of your posts there is a button called “Profile”. That will display the stats for that user. Find one of your posts and click on the “Profile” button.

Another option is to click on the “members” button at the top of the Forum pages. Go to “Advanced Search”. Change the “Order by” to “posts” and choose either ascending or descending order. This will give you a list of members ordered by the number of posts.

But the question is, who really cares? There is no contest for the number of posts.

oh yeah? just wait untill you get ahead of Harper,the death threats are never ending.its all game up here…

So, now you’re scurrying for the protection of the newsgroup by tattling on me for threatening … I mean … making up stories about me threatening you of all things. Just remember, some people with “too many posts” have little “accidents” and then their post count stops suddenly. Do you remember when Christopher Groves started collecting all of those posting statistics? What do you think happened to Mr. Groves, Jagur? Do you think he stopped riding? Do you think he just stopped posting? Well, that’s not all he stopped, my little Oregonian friend.

thier post count only drops because they figure out that i am ?

unicycle is thee Vestle

well, whaddaya know?
i never realised u could fold jagur!

I read in The Weekly World News (that’s the supermarket rag that the Men In Black get their updates from) that the “real” Harper hasn’t posted for quite some time…

… it had something to do with an unexpected temporal nucleic dispersion of the Seattlites…

… either that, or zzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZAAPPPPppp z zz z

fizzle fizzle fiz. . . … . . … … . . .

new uni

I got a new uni about a week ago torker LX 20". I used to ride me
brothers all the time, so I got my own. The only thing that I don’t
like about it is the seat. It really hurts the side of my leg… I
don’t know why. If you have any suggestions it would be appreciated.

okay, 1: Why in the hell did you post in this thread?

2: its probably chaffing, if its inner thigh, that will go away in a few days or weeks, your hairs will rip out there, and your skin will toughen up. If its too painful to ride with, let it go for a day or two and get better.

3: If its muscular, its muscular. Your muscles may not be conditioned, or have had to work like they are now

4: Welcome to the forums :smiley: