Top 5 Worst Things About 2006 so far

I thought this was pretty funny so I am reposting.

Top 5 Worst Things About 2006

From mid year review

  1. Panic! At the Disco’s problems with grammar:
    See, this is what happens when you spend your final year of high school dicking around with a synthesizer instead of paying attention in English class. You end up sticking an exclamation mark in the middle of your name because you think it looks cool. And you reference Pahlaniuk because he’s wayyy edgy. And you forget necessary commas in your song titles because, presumably, you’re a f***ing moron.

  2. Panic! At the Disco’s music videos:
    When I’m enjoying the MuchMusic countdown, the last thing I want is to be interrupted by a clown wedding. Somehow, P!ATD’s videos manage to be as obnoxiously retarded as the songs themselves. That’s saying something. And that one part where the whorish bride makes out with a clown and gets makeup all over her face? That’s gross, man. It’s gross.

  3. Panic! At the Disco’s lead singer:
    This kid is probably responsible for everything else on this list. So we can practically deduce that he’s an ignorant, pretentious, untalented jerk who’s at the helm of an “emo” revolution. Not unlike Hitler. Just look at him, with his perfect hair, and his smirk that says, “I’m younger than you, I’m rich as hell, and I’m getting away with this.” Seriously, there is no god.

  4. Panic! At the Disco’s popularity:
    I do my best to never judge someone based on the bands they like. Before this year, this seemed like a pretty good policy. But no-one could possibly be expected to maintain any level of respect a P!ATD fan. Are these kids high? Is fake sexuality that appealing? Does this band’s nonsense lyricism sound good if you’re fifteen? The answer to all of these questions is “apparently”. Worst of all, these impressionable young cokeheads are going to rule the earth someday. That’s a genuine, keep-you-up-at-night problem.

  5. Panic! At the Disco’s music:
    No, I didn’t forget. As of right now, I have listened to 12 of the 13 tracks on this album. And in order for the entire mess to be redeemed, “Intermission” had better be one hell of a song. If you haven’t heard the band, you can sort of imagine what they sound like. Pete Wentz worship from Las Vegas. But with even less sincerity. And with even more bullshit sloganeering. Typically, each track consists of a foundation of bad pop-punk, with a layer of bad new-wave production, topped off with wordy, repetitive lyrics. The best example of this is actually the band’s first single, in which the chorus of “I’d chime in with a ‘Haven’t you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?’ No, it’s much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality…” basically makes up the entire three minute song. Yeah. I’m no scientist, but I’m pretty sure that’s terrible.

obsessed much?

very funny though


Psssshhhh. Panic! at the disco is cool. :roll_eyes:

Actually I love Panic! at the Disco.


Panic! at the disco sucks.

I don’t like them, but that list is rather mean. What if Panic! At The Disco were to read it? How do you think they would feel?

that was almost as funny as the original post.

I always stop reading for a moment when I get past ‘Panic!’, not expecting ‘at the disco’ to follow it. I agree, it’s stupid. I cannot stand crappy pop-punk.

on second though, ‘crappy’ is too light of a word, but anything else wouldn’t be appropriate for these forums :roll_eyes:

if they had guns you wouldnt say that!!!

while reading this I came up w/ a new idea for patd’s videos clips

all these people are disco’ing and then
A.guy comes in weilding a machine gun
B.guy throws grenade onto the dance floor
C.the DJ has a heart attack

what do you think, I think they fit panc at the disco’s genre perfectly dont you

its beautiful one more thing the disco floor collapses into a pit of starved crocodiles

They’re not very good.

I’m sure they’d laugh and think, “You’re right, I am younger than you, I’m rich as hell, and I’m getting away with this, go! me.” (did you like the use of exclamation mark?)

I quite like their music, and their video, infact im going to go watch it right now.

Edit: Just did, they have a unicyclist, what more could you possibly want?

thank youse, someone had to say it.


Don’t you mean ‘nonsensical’?

5. Panic! At the Disco’s problems with grammar:
See, this is what happens when you spend your final year of high school dicking around with a synthesizer instead of paying attention in English class. You end up sticking an exclamation mark in the middle of your name because you think it looks cool. And you reference Pahlaniuk because he’s wayyy edgy. And you forget necessary commas in your song titles because, presumably, you’re a f***ing moron.
-Maybe you should learn, its a band title so don’t judge it. If you had a band, it would probably be Judging Others.
4. Panic! At the Disco’s music videos:
When I’m enjoying the MuchMusic countdown, the last thing I want is to be interrupted by a clown wedding. Somehow, P!ATD’s videos manage to be as obnoxiously retarded as the songs themselves. That’s saying something. And that one part where the whorish bride makes out with a clown and gets makeup all over her face? That’s gross, man. It’s gross.
Okay, way to harsh. Who cares if you don’t like it, you don’t need to share it. And its just a video, pay attention to the words.

3. Panic! At the Disco’s lead singer:
This kid is probably responsible for everything else on this list. So we can practically deduce that he’s an ignorant, pretentious, untalented jerk who’s at the helm of an “emo” revolution. Not unlike Hitler. Just look at him, with his perfect hair, and his smirk that says, “I’m younger than you, I’m rich as hell, and I’m getting away with this.” Seriously, there is no god.
Okay, this is just wayyy to rude. Maybe your picking on Brendon because he is younger than you and probably more cuter. Also quit getting jealous that he is famous and your nothing.

2. Panic! At the Disco’s popularity:
I do my best to never judge someone based on the bands they like. Before this year, this seemed like a pretty good policy. But no-one could possibly be expected to maintain any level of respect a P!ATD fan. Are these kids high? Is fake sexuality that appealing? Does this band’s nonsense lyricism sound good if you’re fifteen? The answer to all of these questions is “apparently”. Worst of all, these impressionable young cokeheads are going to rule the earth someday. That’s a genuine, keep-you-up-at-night problem.
You have problems! P!ATD is one of the most popular bands because they are new and more appealing than mostly anyone. I’ll be surprised not to see a fan of theirs because almost everyone I know talks all about them and love their songs.

1. Panic! At the Disco’s music:
No, I didn’t forget. As of right now, I have listened to 12 of the 13 tracks on this album. And in order for the entire mess to be redeemed, “Intermission” had better be one hell of a song. If you haven’t heard the band, you can sort of imagine what they sound like. Pete Wentz worship from Las Vegas. But with even less sincerity. And with even more bullshit sloganeering. Typically, each track consists of a foundation of bad pop-punk, with a layer of bad new-wave production, topped off with wordy, repetitive lyrics. The best example of this is actually the band’s first single, in which the chorus of “I’d chime in with a ‘Haven’t you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?’ No, it’s much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality…” basically makes up the entire three minute song. Yeah. I’m no scientist, but I’m pretty sure that’s terrible.
Maybe for you, listening to country is a good thing, but sticking Pete Wentz in it too? That’s just wrong. And punks/goths are the ones mostly into it, so I’m with them. The ‘bad lyrics’ is you judging them from other stupid bands that you’ve heard.

Now I didn’t come here to argue, so I’ll get to the point. I may be young but I know alot of fans of Panic! At the Disco, will hate you when I tell them everything you said. If you have a problem with Brendon’s band, maybe you should stick to listnening to country. Leave the good music and their fans alone. Or you’ll just have a bad reputation when you go in front of a P!ATD fan!

Calm down…

Wow, did you just log on to here to argue about a band that no one will care about in the next 5 years? And do you think anyone would really care if fans dont like people because they dont like the music they like?

This whole thing was a joke that you tooke too seriously, no goodbye. :wink:

Wait, do you uni? If not, then by your account, every unicycler that you will run into will not like you, sucks eh? lol

Cya later.