I was browsing on unicycle.org the other day and went straight into the roster lists. I don’t know about you’se all, That the highest roster’s is the good ol’e U.S.A.
this is the highest to the lowest rankings of all.
1: U.S.A. 1062.* And still Counting.
2: Canada: 151.* And still Counting.
3: United Kingdom: 141.* And still Counting.
4: Australia: 67.* And still Counting.
5: Germany: 24.* And still Counting.
*Prior at the time as we speak.
The other Country’s are still strugging but they’re catching on as we speak. I couldn’t believe it. I hope there will be more unicyclist’s to be registed on the roster country list into the future.
Come on Guys and Girls roster yourself on it , I have.