Tool to tighten locking rings ??????

Wasnt realy sure were to post this.

Does anyone know were you can buy/what tool to use to tighten up the locking ring on the back of the insert on KH moment cranks? Or do you think it would just be easyer to make one by welding some pins onto a length of steel?

Thanks in advanced

a pair of circlip pliers is good, but a home made tool would be even better.

Thanks for the quick response. I may see if I can get some at lunch If not I will probly try and make one.

I always use a pair of pliers but you could make a tool similar to an angle grinder spanner.

I had too much work to get out at lunch so didnt look to buy something. Im going to go out and make something now.

Thats sort of what I was thinking, I was just going to take a bit of probably 15 gauge steel plate drill two holes at the right spacing and spot weld two ground off nails or something onto it. I tell you guys how it goes, shouldnt take long.

Keep in mind the two pins in that wrench need to handle the shearing force associated with the turning of the wrench. A nail might not be the best piece of metal to use for those pins… you might end up getting them stuck in your locking ring.

Use some steel rod, put a big bead on the back of the plate you weld the tiny rods to. In actual experience of making a grinder wheel spanner, putting the big beads on the back of the tool actually performs a very minor heat treating if you dunk it in some water right away after you weld it.

Also, drill some holes in the plate, make the rod actually go into the plate, not just weld it on.

I had to make a grinder wheel spanner in my Manufacturing class, some idiot thought it would be funny to grind the pegs off of one, the only one we had.

First one I made was just small rod welded on, which didn’t work because to effectively tack it, you kind of need more rod than ideal. So I decided to weld it from the back, kind of a plug weld, which also allowed me to shorten the rods, so it could handle more torque.

Can probably forget all the crap I conjured about heat treating… :roll_eyes:

The tool used for that task is called a Pin Spanner. I don’t have an ISIS KH so I don’t know what size would be necessary.

For light duty use, for example removing certain types of dustcaps from cranks, I made a pin spanner from a metal wire clothes hanger. I doubt that type of pin spanner will be adequate for tightening the rings on the KH cranks.

wow. i just saw a tool just like what you guys are describing at my house. my dsad uses it to get the grinder plates off his little power grindr. i could post a pic if you guys are interested in seesing it.

That is what this is…