too hot to uni or not?

Here in San Jacinto it gets to be over 100 degrees just about every day in the summer. I don’t think it is a good idea to ride my uni in that kind of heat. I don’t know what to do other than ride at night but my mom doesn’t want me out after dark. I love to get out and ride but I don’t want to get heat stroke. Is there any way I can change the weather or anything I can do so I won’t get too hot? Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.

u shuld be fine. Ive never been in weather over 95 in my hole life, but just stay hydrated with lots of water and you should be fine i would think.

You could get one of those hats that are umbrellas to shade you :stuck_out_tongue:

or on a more serie’es note

you could get one of those hiking back packs with the water bag in the back and a long tube that goes to your mouth. but if u fall on ur back u might get a little wet lol

ever tried trials(or even hopping) with a backpack?
especially bigger hops it whips around and majorl messes you up(and yes this is with a good straped on pack)

as far as the heat, it was 98 the other day and i uni-ed with my skater friend in town. My shirt was soaked from sweat, ended up taking it off. I just push through the heat and deal with it, it worth the good time and not giving up IMO

you mean these they are on e sale I’ll ask my mom to order me one. Does anyone have one or know how well they work?

I did some training last weekend here in 102F weather with extreme humidity (heat advisory). I brought 2-3 liters of water in my camelbak and filled up a few times, used electrolyte replacements, brought bananas and salty oat bars, and stopped ever 6-10 miles. It is hard in hot humid weather to ride, but it is possible if you are smart about it and have water and electrolytes and wear sun lotion.

Also, note the hottest parts of the day. If you go riding in the early morning right after sunrise, it will be much cooler outside than say…3pm.

hey… I should get myself one of those…

I have a tip :slight_smile: .

It was 98 today here.

What I do, is I take two wash cloths, soak them in ICE COLD WATER.

Go ride shirtless for a little while, then come back inside when the cloths are really cold… What I do, is I take the cloths, and put them around my leg, on the inside of my shin pads, and keep my pads a little looser than normal.

Afterwards when I ride, I feel a bit more cooled off, mainly cause its the shin pads that kill me in the heat.

Also, Its a given, but dont ride without a water bottle nearby.

When it’s too hot I either get up at dawn, and can do a good 2 hour ride and finish before 8am! Or on the flip side, just wait 'till like 6pm and you still have 2 solid hours of light.:smiley: But riding in the peak time of the day when it’s that hot is a bad idea.

I’d get a cheap uni and practice double crank flipping and 540 uni spinning into a pool.

Aah, down near Temecula, where my bro-in-law lives. Hot! Like MuniAddict says, early in the morning is best time of day to ride. If you must ride in the hot part of the day, keep water nearby. A Camelbak still works even if it’s not on your back. My wife found some very inexpensive knockoff hydration packs at Sports Authority or Big 5 (Can’t remember which); something similar to my Camelbak Mule for only $28! Fill it up with ice and water and it’ll stay cold for hours.

But water alone isn’t enough. Add some sports drink (Gatorade, Powerade, etc.) or salt tablets to keep your electrolytes up. Drink before you’re thirsty and drink a lot.

I’ve ridden home from work (8 miles) in temps up to 107. I just ride a little slower and drink more. Listen to your body. If you run out of gas, time to get inside.

It’s not as hot here at the southernmost point

As it is in more land locked places. The sea keeps the air temp down to about 90. Slowly the night temp goes up, as the sea temp rises, so by late August, it is 92 day and 85 night. The tropical sun is so brutal that my garden dies in June. I have a garden from Sept. to May. Riding in the sun isn’t really an option.

I ride in the late afternoon and at night. If that won’t work for you, perhaps you can try stuff inside. I practice track standing and idling while watching TV.

Also, if you get plastic pedals and a white tire, there may be an air conditioned qym somewhere around. I remember when all the jugglers and uni riders would go hang out at the University qym in Boulder, even though none of us were students. Maybe you can find a place like that. 100 degrees is really hot !! I don’t think any of my regular tips (wear a wet white T shirt), are going to work well enough. Drinking water won’t prevent heat stroke, just dehydration. If you exercise to hard in 100 degree weather, you may die.

i’m sexy but i still uni. lol:p

Haha, an Alaskan giving heat management advice to a southeastern Texan…

Heat’s not a problem if you hydrate before, during, and after your ride. Use sunscreen if you don’t already have a tan.

Last August and Sept., I fairly regularly rode my bike (was just getting into unicycling…) on the bike trails near my house in Denton, TX. During the day, it got pretty hot with the humidity and all. Never had a problem if I kept properly hydrated. Was usually out for 1-2 hours riding. Usually drank 1-2 litres (1-2 full Nalgene bottles).

Woo. Yeah, i would say the same thing as everyone else, and sound stupid i guess. I’d say, if you dont have water or anything, dont wear shirt, and soak your shin guards in water.

and i really wanna go buy some crappy uni this summer, and start doing trials into the lake we live near. It’d rock, since i’d be able go to just ride around on a raft lol.

Well, you got some good advice in here, and I also learned I ahve a pet peeve about complaints of the temperature caused by shin guards. Poor excuse if you ask me, and trust me, high temperatures, shinguards, and excessive sweating (way more than most) is a very regular occurrence for me. Unshaded dried-up riverbeds. Mmhmm. =p

Anyways, after your ride, get a pint or two of chocolate milk. Seriously, one of the best things to drink after a uni ride. I usually buy a gallon, even though its around $4-$6, its soo worth it.

Use sunscreen even if you have a tan.

Skin cancer is not prejudiced.


I’ve been unicycling in 100-125 with humidity for the past few times I’ve gone out, and its certainly possible, just drink loads of fluids and be prepared to drip.

The last time I went riding in Thailand there wasn’t one bit of dry clothing on me, and it was dripping off of my clothes. I don’t normally ride without a shirt, but I was really tempted then, but I never see people there without shirts so I didn’t want to offend anyone or break any rules, so I figured dripping and sweaty was better.

Also don’t forget that you lose salt and sugar and stuff when you sweat, so eating is just as important as drinking.

A really good way to acclimatize yourself to the weather is to avoid all forms of AC, use a fan but no air conditioning, that way you can still cool off but your body will get used to the moisture levels and the general air, and not the fake air con air.

Thank you! I was going to post the same reply, but I’ve already said it umteen times lol! Get this stuff:

Move to Seattle. Problem solved. :stuck_out_tongue: