tony hawks unicycle mod

im thinking of replacing the skateboard in tony hawks 2 to a unicycle. all the levels are there ill just need to change some models and animations. help would be appreciated

Isn’t THPS2 for the PS1…?

and pc

Oh, didn’t know it was for PC as well.

It sounds like you need models.
I have heard of this being done before, but only on FPS where they make it so you can import your own characters.
I don’t think it’s a easy as it sounds. You need something equivelent to every skateboard trick on the unicycle. You should plan on making a list of what skateboard tricks are on the game and what are it’s unicycle equivelents.
It would help if you could tell us what animation files you have found in the game files.


You’d have better luck remaking Mario Bros 1 with sprite of mario on the uni.

Any other good unicycling games out there besides uniracers and that stupid clown flash game?

ok im switching to dave mirra freestyle whatever. im planning on changing the model of a bike to a unicycle and keeping the pedals and seat in the same place so that the pedaling animation is the same. that is if i can open the bike model. im also dling a game engine to make my own game if need be.(unlikely)

my idea has ended as i have unofficialy jumped on the project uni bandwagon.