A good one relating to the recent global warming discussions on these fora.
Me and Al are big fans of Tom Tomorrow.
On March 21st, Al Gore says: I’m going to hand-deliver your messages on television when I testify at Congressional hearings on global warming.
This is an incredible opportunity to show Congress the energy behind
this issue. I need your help to really make it count. Can you commit to
getting 10 of your friends to sign a message to Congress before March 21st?
To get your friends involved in our effort, please forward them this
note or direct them to:
Thank you,
-Al Gore
Is the Serve God, Save the Planet call to action in spite of or because of the science? Difficulty, they’re evangelical Christians.
The earth being round is a proven fact that is not contreversial. Global warming (in the sense that Man is going to cause the earth to explode because it is 1 degree warmer then it was 100 years ago) is not a fact. Especially not just because “a bunch of so called unnamed scientists” say it is. Real scientists, the ones who aren’t in it to make money off global warming, can see the truth about it.
HaHaHaHa…wait…oh…you’re serious?
What?!! Where’s the proof? These guys would argue with you about that…
Listen, Steveyo is my people, and we can work together to save the planet. Steveyo can work with these folks toward the same sane goals.
Jesus Christ