No not your testicles your dick.
This thread also had an alterer meaning of seeing how many people were educated enough to understand what I was saying.
No not your testicles your dick.
This thread also had an alterer meaning of seeing how many people were educated enough to understand what I was saying.
I knew I should not have come to today, and I should certainly never have opened this thread.
For it reminded me of a joke a lecturer once told us…when I was the sole female in a group of about 20 students. No less than 6 of them thought that the joke needed to be explained to me.
I get a strange feeling that I’m going to be shunned for a long time
No No No…Teach a Man to fish…and he’s gotta get a fishing license, but he don’t have a job so he’s gotta steal one. Then thoes damn cops are gonna be all over his ass, and whene he finally get’s a damn fish the cops are gonna find him, arrest him for steazing, and then the health departments gonna razz him about, “whatcha gonna do with the guts and brainz and stuff,” Then he’s gonna be thrown in jailz and you gonna have to pay taxes to take care of his lazy bum ass for 20 years.
So bottom line. Give the dude a 20 send him down to McCdonals and walmart for some food and soap and call it good.
Or shoot him through the head.
But then the cops and health department will be all over your ass!
Should them through the head too.
Dude calm down It’s just a joke
Hmm, interesting info guy’s (a girl?)?
The right testicle is higher than the left, this means that usually your one-eyed trouser snake will hang towards the left. Although, I’m sure if you hold it one way for long enough it will cough stay that way.
I haven’t researched that, but it was what I was told a few years back in one of those silly sex talk class’s (giggle).
Don’t tell me what to do or I’ll shoot you through the head.
Ok start walking…
That’s interesting. I always though it was because if your one eyed trousr snake was easier to grab on the left side if your right handed and since most people are right handed god made it hang to the left.
If you really live in cyprus you would have to shoot through miles and miles of the earths core to hit me.
So hahhahahahahahjahahahhaahha you missed.
Quiet, zombie.
I used a really far-shooting gun, shot above horizon and the force of gravity carried the bullet around the surface of the earth. Due to air resistance, it slowed down around your area and changed its trajectory in such a way as to hit you straight between the eyes. Took a bit of calculation, but oh well.
Boom. Headshot.
Oh I see so the reason i’m still alive is the bullet hasent actu BOOM pain, blood, gore in a soft and trailing voice gotten here ye–cough–yet–cough cough.
I’m a monster.
ahaha this thread is funny.
And mike how interesting… i’ve never heard that but i’ll believe you on that one
damn it i would of bounced the shot off the Ionisphere and hit him it would of been much better =P
So what now your shooting me with a radar gun. Bullets don’t bounce of the atmosphere only electromagnetic radiation.