to jonnyd and bagpiperboy

We need to film more stuff for are video and i can’t get a hold of you by phone so peace out!
-michael thornton

yeah, totally, I need a trials too!! I’ll try and call you sometime so we can set up a time, JonnyD won’t be back till next week, but i can glide now… mwa ha ha ha!! anyway, I’ll try and call you tonight.

Jonathan Ware

where is jonny? did you already go to efy? we should of gone together again. I go next week. hey heres a little picture for fun

the lack there of.jpg

he’s with his family on vacation, you wouldn’t’ve been able to go with him because you would’ve been in the 15 year old group, you should’ve gone with me, because I am still 15, but I already went… So anyway, maybe we should work on it today, or sometime this week, once again… I will call you

Jonathan Ware


I could just do what i have done at every byu camp I have ever been to and lie about my age. did you go with him? did paul? do you wanty to do more video today like at the skatepark?
