As you can tell by my name, I don’t ride. But I wanted to ask why you ride. Is it because not many do it? Or the thrill of the ride? Or some other option. So if you would answer I would be very grateful.
As you can tell by my name, I don’t ride. But I wanted to ask why you ride. Is it because not many do it? Or the thrill of the ride? Or some other option. So if you would answer I would be very grateful.
Very, very fun.
An sometimes it is the thrill of the ride like when I’m going down a steep hill off-road.
And it’s pretty safe (actually can be safer than a bike).
Hawo dontride, Let me be the first to welcome you to the forums. Check your PM.
1) Cause its fun, challenging and you get to meet others who have had a fascination with the 1 wheel wonder and ask “where’s the other wheel”.
2) Well, there is that. Also i think its because of the advantages you would have over a bike. For example, if you stack it on a unicycle. Chances are that you will land on your feet. But the chances of you stacking it on a bike and landing on your feet???
3) Well, i don’t many people in my area who have ridden a 29er or Coker.
It’s [MUni, street, trials] the most amazing way to get and stay in the best shape of your life! Plus it’s way fun, unique and a terrific challenge, especially when riding true MUni, doing both climbing and downhill over technical terrain. And in time, riding this lean, mean, calorie burning machine will turn you into one too! Care to take her for a spin?
Why not change to doride
If you dontride you may never understand why. Once you learn, you will want to ride (doride). It is addictive.
Sadly I waited until I was 46 years old before I learned to ride. I ride because I enjoy it.
When I was 11 years old my parents bought me some high end, very fashionable unicycling clothes. I had the threads so I had to learn.
Well, it’s fun, gives a rush, gets me places quicker than walking…but all of those normal answers are covered by skating, biking, rollerblading, all of which are fun, give that nice rush, and are good transports.
I really like unicycling because it requires so much commitment and dedication and produces such a unique output that, while perhaps not as visually impressive as skating or BMXing, has a certain flair simply due to the fact that it’s so rarely seen by non-riders. I love it.
The chicks dig it.
Well, um, er, at least that’s what I’ve heard.
Unicycling was a new balance for me to conquer. I had always liked biking, so the I was quite familiar wheels. But unicycling is much rarer, so I like that aspect because I get more attention(Whoa, somebody has an ego problem!). I probably would’ve never got in the paper if I was riding my bike, nor gotten letters from a State Representative or State Senator.
I had never seen anyone else ride a unicycle to compel me to learn; it wasn’t only until very recently that I learned of another unicyclist in my town. I haven’t met him yet though.
And, as has already been mentioned, it is great fun.
Why not ride? Is it because you cant? Have you tried and failed? Are you thinking of starting?
I unicycle because I want to, because its fun, because 2 horizontally connected wheels got boring, and because I can get gigs working on unicycle.
I saw an unicyclist on tv, and mum said: “Maybe Linda is able to do that, too.” And i said “yes, i wanna try!” So i bought a unicycle and learned to ride. But that time i was just riding.
The reasons why i do extreme unicycling are: it’s fun, it’s nothing usuall what everybody can do so as soccer or so, and i love the thrill
The Harley Davidson riders say “If you have to ask, you wouldn’t understand.”
So if your name was “won’tride” I’d leave it at that. But since you may be a “mightride” I’ll offer that you’ll never really know until you do it. But this requires following through and finishing the process. It only really starts to be fun when you can freemount and control your course. Then it just gets better and better if you’re enjoying yourself.
My reasons have changed over the years. Originally, before I learned, I’m sure a big part was to see if I could. That got replaced with because I could, and felt good about being good at a physical activity few people could do. Later it was also fitness. I had already figured out how good it was for me to be doing it (since I wasn’t into any other sports). Then I was motivated to win unicycle competitions. Later than that I wanted to do better shows; be a better entertainer.
Now many years later than all of that, it’s a great community that I’ve been a part of for a long time. It’s a great way to get out into nature, with either MUni or road riding. And it’s still keeping me from growing old too soon.
Unicycling is awesome, it is fun, challenging, gives a good feeling to land new thinks, jump higher…, It is unique.
Most of al it is just fun !! and you can do so much thinks on a unicycle !!!
with one unicycle, you can do trial,street and flatland (on a bike you alwast need a new bike for trial or street(bmx…))
You just can do A LOT on a unicycle
for the chicks, definitely.
Actually the reasons have changed over the years.
When I first began it was to be a little different and learn something new.
Later it was a living, I rode a giraffe in 13 shows a week but never got on it for any other reason. It was just a tool of the trade.
Now days I muni because my wrists can’t take the Mtn Biking and this gets me back on the single-track and out into the Colorado back country.(My wrists are shot after years of juggling) It is much more of a challenge and better exercise than the bikes too.
Part challenge, part the uniqueness… These days a lot is the convenience. My uni’s need less space & maintenance than my MTB. In the past I could keep my uni in the trunk and ride during my lunch break or right after work, and I didn’t have to worry about my bike being easily accessible on the bike rack, or out in the rain. And by keeping it in the trunk, even on rainy days it was dry if the weather cleared up (or I wanted to ride anyways ;))
And even though I own a Civic, I can fit 2 uni’s in the trunk
Fraggle, I don’t ride because I don’t really want to…I have made it 5 feet, but 3 of it was falling.
No I’m not really thinking of starting either, truth is I’m a writer…in a sense of the word. So I decided if I ever wanted to make one of my people a unicyclist I should make them the right way and not as everyone thinks they are…which would be clowns in a circus. All my brother’s unicycle but I need info from people I’m not related to.
You need to. Everyone wants to be a Renaissance man.(see 3rd post)
Southern California Riders??
i have been riding my unicycle for almost a month now and i am based in the OC in newport beach and i was wondering if anyone knows of any uni functions near that area or if there or any local riders who like to meet up for trials and such… there is a decent skate park that i go to in laguna hills that is free, but im the only uni =( well i hope to hear some good news!!
at first i could say that i did it for attention, like just to be a strange kid in highschool, but the first time i saw a mountain unicyclist thought it was way to crazy. The I saw Universe 1 th unicycle movie and i was like " hey, i could do tricks on this thing, and ride with the skater" and for a while it was just a hoby… getting a bit better a little bit at a time. and slowly i start to see myself spending more time riding and less time rock climbing. I dont want to jump higher. I need to jump higher, so and so can do it. so can I. Then i went to Moab for the first time. Moab munifest. I was on the Porcupine Rim Trail. I was at about mile 8 of 15. Pulled a head of the pack, riding on some of the hardest stuff i had ever riden on. 100 degrees, no water, not another person in site, No civilization for miles…
I was in love…
and unicycling became my life. I loved the people. Started buying clothes that i road better in.
Couldnt ride enough, and i still cant
its different why be the same as every one else , and its good excersice