Are you sick and tired of being in school?
Do you not want to fly home on spring break because it’s the same price as flying out to a cool street unicyclist (like youself)'s house?
Is your name Kevin Mcmullin?
Then I have the countdown for you.
17 days bro. Then the street sess of all spring breaks will go down. Seven solid days of nothing but street, with a road trip towards the end. Riding with riders such as Keaton Miller, Dallas Miller, and Shaun Johanneson. Are you ready? WOW!!!
I think Kevin and Shaun should meet up in Cyprus so that I can watch them practice and offer positive comments. How does that sound? Think before you answer.
Yeah but private messages are boring. This way everyone will know. Also I have him on Msn. So that would be pointless too. Also that’s why this is in JC not in RSU. It is just a convo, matterless that it’s between two people.