Tires for cheap

You live in Switzerland and need a „new“ tire? Maybe I have just what you need :wink:

Selling two tires that were on unis that I bought second hand.

The first is a Maxxis Max Daddy 20x2.25. It has still plenty of tread and does look to be in very good shape. Asking price is whatever it costs to get it shipped to you. You can have the tube as well, if you want.

The second is a Schwalbe Jumbo Jim 26x4. It has some wear but still plenty of tread left. Like with the other offer the tube is included. Asking price is CHF 25.- plus shipment.

I can make pictures of the tires if anybody is interested.

Zwei Reifen abzugeben:

Maxxis Max Daddy 20x2.25 (inklusive Schlauch). Noch sehr gut im Schuss. Geht für die Versandkosten an die Abnehmerin, den Abnehmer.

Schwalbe Jumbo Jim. Nicht mehr ganz frisch, aber immer noch gut Profil vorhanden. Ebenfalls mit Schlauch abzugeben. Kostenpunkt: CHF 25.- plus Versand.

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