I was wondering what the best tire pressure for a 2.5’ trials tire would be. What pressure do ya’ll think would give me the best ‘spring’? What do ya’ll leave ur tire pressure on? THX for all the help you guys give me!
its mostly perdonal perference. Try running it between 26 and 20 psi. i think i normally kreep mine around 23
I run my Luna at about 26psi. I think that’s good for me right now, and I weigh 139lbs. I do a lot of stuff when I’m out riding. I’ve just started really working on pre-hops and I think the tire compresses right for me. Knowing that I won’t bottom out, too, is a must.
Experiment. Some people ride with it lower, or higher. Dan Heaton rides his at 15-18 or so, from what I’ve read on here. And he’s a greater rider. It depends on your terrain.
Something like the Maxxis creepy crawly, or the Try-all are going to run at a higher pressure, due to the sidewalls being thinner. Thinner sidewalls=less bounce, from what I gather. I’m not willing to go through 30bucks and find out if I’d like either of those two better, when a Luna does the trick for me.
So, maybe figure out what tire you’re looking to run with your uni. There’s a search button, and there’s a review forum. So you should find what you’re looking for
I like mine at about 19-22. Somewhere in there. It folds on occasion though, which sucks.