tips on how to go down stairs??

Can somebody help me get some tips on how to go down stairs??

Check out . The street section has some tips for this. Basically, if you commit to it and start with a low number of stairs it’s easier than you’d think. When I was learning I chose to practise on a set of 20 or so and mount part-way up the stairs, increasing the number each time. That was also partly because I couldn’t find any smaller sets that day though.

Good luck, and remember to commit to it…it’s just like riding down a steep hill if you hit them with a bit (not heaps) of speed.


You didn’t mention unicycles, so I’d just like to suggest the moving-foot-from-one-step-to-the-next technique. I use it all the time; I consider myself a master of stairs. A stairmaster, as it were.



yeah, but if you don’t have time to print out that long list of instructions just remember this one work JUMP, works everytime.


don’t go too slow, use your lift handle to keep your feet on the pedals. solid downward pressure keeps your feet on the pedals, and keep your feet on the pedals. don’t forget to keep your feet on the pedals.


seriously though, if you don’t have enough pressure on the pedals your uni will get very hard to control, and that will be bad.

Stairs or really just Jeff Groves?

First off, don’t suck and second of all: So what about Jeff Groves. Just the other day I came to a conclusion about Jeff. In all of Ryan Atkin’s movies I believe that Jeff cams. The thing is though: They’re always rearview mirror shots (if you know what I mean) What’s going on!?