TinyURL has made it into magazines!

Hey all,

For those of you that don’t know, Gilby is not only the administrator for this site, but he has also created a little site called tinyurl.com.

Well I’m here to announce that these url’s have made it into a Spanish magazine called El Sol. It’s mainly aimed at students who are learning Spanish (that’s were I found it, in Spanish class), but I thought it was still pretty cool.

Congrats Gilby!

What month, what issue?

They have been in every issue for the past few months. I don’t have pics, but I can try to find their site.

Edit: They don’t have a site that I can find. Will take pics later.

I saw tinyurl used in The Sunday Times in a review of laptops, made me think of Giby.

So, Gilby completly created tinyurl? If so, that’s pretty good.

But he still should have gone to Moab. No excuse.

AP News stories have also been using tinyurl. Go to Google News and search for tinyurl and you’ll get a lot of hits.

I’m not sure that they quite understand the concept though. In one of the stories about the dog food recall I saw a tinyurl link that went to http://www.menufoods.com/recall/ for further info about the recall. That link didn’t really need to be shortened and no need to hide it behind a tinyurl.

Ha, I spent 8 hours yesterday sorting and packing and cataloging bad dog food.

Yeah, some people do overuse it. In that particular one, I did get people asking me questions about if the food they had was on the list.

That is funny in a confused sort of way. :thinking: It’s also an unfortunate confusion for the general public already panicked about the health of their pet.

A large publishing service like the AP should be running their own URL management service or contract out for such a service (now there is a business plan in there somewhere). That would give them control over the URLs so they can update or correct a URL redirect after it goes to press. Having control over information you publish is a good thing. They could also add additional specialized features as they see the need.