Isn’t more than 30% illegal, hopefully they also put in the stickers showing that it’s legal tinting
There is a major push in our hometown right now by the local police to ticket drivers with illegally tinted windows. I’m not sure of the percent tint, but basically, the front side windows cannot be tinted. Rear sides can. Some of the drivers are simply accepting the tickets for the privilege of having tinted windows. One teenager is on his fourth $75.00 ticket. In a newspaper article, the police chief says theu will continue to ticket drivers until the drivers feel the $$ pinch.
Not sure why the push for ticketing for tint, but it’s a hot topic in town right now.
My Avalanche is tinted pretty well on the rear window and rear sides. I think it looks good, but probably because I’m used to seeing it that way. I also really appreciate the benefits of tinted windows. Doesn’t feel gloomy to me one bit, rather it’s much more comfortable than having direct sun beating down on the back seat passengers.
You can also partially see our Chrysler minivan in the photo with the same setup.
Not in New York. Anything lower than 70% tint is illegal on the front and rear windows.
EDIT: A conversation with my friend:
Friend: how is it?
Me: it looks really nice
Friend: cool
Me: I’m paranoid about getting pulled over for it though
Friend: haha, i highly doubt that will happen
Friend: and if you get a ticket… well that’s the price you pay for being cool
Friend: think of it as a “cool tax”
Me: hm, i like that
Friend: hahaha
Right the tint has to allow 70% of light in, so a tint that is 35% would be illegal because it blocks 35% of light allowing only 65% of light in. Or am I thinking backwards and the tint % is the amount of light that it allows through in which case 35% letting less than 70% of light in and is still illegal. No matter which way it’s measured it seems a 35% tint would be illegal.
The tinting shop certainly doesn’t care if the tinting is illegal because they still make their money, just like the stereo installers don’t care that the stereos they install are illegal, because they can be heard more than 50 feet away from the vehicle.
Maybe it’s just me, but how does that look cool? It’s just darker windows. If you really want to be cool, you roll them down and blast classic rock.
It just looks badass. Pfft, you blast hip-hop.
You would probably get pulled over, but as long as you are a residence of Cali, you should be ok. Yes, the cop can be a prick and give you a ticket. I got pulled over in Memphis since I had a tinted license plate cover. Its illegal here in TN, but in SC, its allowed. I asked the cop if he wanted me to remove it, but he said he didn’t know the laws in SC so I was ok. I think it all depends on the situation and the mood of the officer.
As far as tint goes, they check with a flash light. Most of the time, you can go 5 to 10% lower than what’s allowed, and be fine. However, if you get pulled over, the officer can make you pull the tint off right there on the side of the road. Normally though, they won’t pull you over for tint only unless they are bored. I know when I get the money, I am taking my car to 40%, its at either 35 or 25 right now, but I do want to be darker and I know I will have a really good chance of being pulled over.
I’d rather cut my ears off, thanks.
Back 'n sides is all I need! Keeps the inside cooler, and keeps my piano tools & stuff out of easy view.
Back 'n sides is all I need! Keeps the inside cooler, and keeps my piano tools & stuff out of easy view.
Why not… worked for THIS guy!
Well that was only one ear I think but anyway I would rather eat my face than blast hip hop. I can’t stand all the kids around with their subs blasting that audible evil.
I agree! My musical tastes are quite varied, from classical to 60’s-70’s classic rock-Beatles to Zep- Jazz, some classic soul like temptations, four tops, Stevie wonder, etc. Also some quieter stuff like Simon & Garfunkle, America, Cat Stevens, and Al Stewart to name a few.
I’m not 100% positive, but I think you are thinking backwards. I think 35% tint means only 35% of light is passing through. Thus far, it’s only been one’s word against another’s. Can anyone find some more information on this?
Whether or not you like the tints is preference, I think most people prefer the look though.
I don’t have any subs…yet. But I’m not one to blast my music, I’m more about quality of sound.
Need a knife? Besides, you might be able to stomach what I listen to, it’s real hip-hop, not commercialized money making retards with gold in their mouth.
Nice car checjc, it’s sharp lookin’.
If only 35% of the light passes through than it’s definitely illegal, because the law says 70% of light has to pass through.
But when you’re talking 35% regardless of whether it means 35% of light passes through, or it blocks 35% of the light 70% of light is not passing through so it would be illegal.
I also don’t think MOST people prefer the look, it puts off an unfriendly vibe, and gives a sense that you’re trying to hide something, it’s also not a good idea if you’re involved in any sorts of illegal activity or illegal driving habits because it gives the police the right to pull you over at any time to see whether your tint is legal or not, and if you act hostility, it gives the cop the right to search your vehicle. I don’t know why anyone would want to pay money for something that gives the police a legitimate reason to pull you over.
Our truck’s back window is tinted and I can barely see out when driving. Don’t tint windows. It’s dangerous. What does it gain anyway?