I’m dropping my black 2000 Volvo S80 off tomorrow to have the windows tinted. The problem is, I don’t know how dark to go. New York State Law says 70% on the front and rear windows is legal. Now, I don’t want to be pulled over for having tinted windows, but tinting to 70% is hardly worth the cost.
I was thinking something like 20% all around (excluding windshield), maybe going a little lighter on the front windows. Could someone (with pictures, maybe) provide some insight on this predicament of mine.
In NY, the law says the Back window can be 5m if you want…that’s full limo! The front driver/passenger & side windows must allow 70% light in, so 30% tint is legal max on those. New York Window Tint Law - TintCenter.com
Here in CA, i can tint my rear side windows as dark as I want. So my question is, does that mean if I drive to NY, I either have to have it removed, or risk a ticket, even though it’s legal here!?
I’m a little confused about that statement haha. The max legal tint I can get is 70%…which means 70% of light will still pass through. But like I said before, that’s hardly a tint at all.
EDIT: Another thing. I’m worried about having a ‘two-tone’ appearence if I make the front windows lighter. Do you guys like a 35% to 20% would look alright?
Not at all, it’s an asset-at least in my case. In CA, I can tint the rear side & back windows of my Prius full limo, but I chose 70% dark. This has 2 real benefits; It keeps the car much cooler when parked in direct sun, and the dark tint makes it extremely hard to see inside…where I often have my piano tools, piano action, etc. Plus, it looks awesome!
But thats what I don’t understand. A “30% tint” blocks 70% of light, which is against NYS law. I think that it is a bit out of the ordinary to say “70% dark”. 70% dark is a “30% tint” isn’t it? Why is this so confusing?
EDIT: Tinting windows has a lot of advantages. Privacy, keeps out 65% of heat, 99.9% of harmful UV rays, holds glass together better in accidents, protects car interior, looks bad-ass, etc.
It’s different than overcast, and you’re in the front where it’s not tinted, the few times I’ve been in a heavily tented vehicle, which was usually buses not cars it looked gloomy out even on bright sunny days. I also don’t think of overcast days as gloomy.
Yeah me too, all of 'em down, and while it’s raining and I’m doing 65pmh on the freeway! It’s so liberating! Comfort, quiet and security is so overrated!
I just got the car back, I went with 35% to 20% - it looks SO awesome. It is a TAD darker than I anticipated, but it looks so cool that I don’t care. I’ll post pictures later.