Time Marches On

One must feel a bit old when Molly Ringwald is cast as a mom as she is on the soon to premiere show, The Secret Life of the American Teenager.


What are you talking about? I’m just as fit and fiddle as I was at age 20! You old guys are really sumpthin’ with all yer complainin’.

(Man, am I sore from working in the yard yesterday.)


I don’t feel old at all. What are you guys talking about?


what are you on about? Does any body know at all?


I’m with him :slight_smile:

If only our dear Wally Ringmold could be forever young.

I hear she felt old too when she auditioned for the daughter’s part but then got the mom role. Once she hit 40 they just couldn’t keep up the charade.

Yes, after all Shirley Henderson was only 37 when she played Moaning Myrtle in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.