Time for me to have a whine!

OK here goes, about…um…ages ago (one month) i orded a HK24" with maguras from unicycle.co.nz, they where putting in a special order to unicycl.com, this was to be my unicycle, my flatmates some parts for Rowan and some stuff for other people around the country. For this order I sold my xbox with all the games i have (About 20 of them) so that i could get the money to get the unicycle, once i had the money i put it in the bank, now all that was needed was for me to sit down and wait till my new unicycle arives. So while you sit there a little boy waits, and while you moan about hte price of your prescription a little boy waits and hopes that his unicycle will come soon. Do you ever think it did??? Well let me tell you one month later it still isn’t here!!!

Here is the story of what happened!

So the order was to be made over the phone to unicycle.com, this ment that tony from unicycle.co.nz had to stay up till midnight to ring unicycle.com to make the order, the first night he tryed he couldn’t make the order becuase the person at unicycle.com was at A BANJO CONVENTION!!! I thought this was funny. Anyway the story goes that the order was made, but suprisingly enough unicycle.com didn’t have all the parts that where in the order to we had to wait for them to get to uni.com before the order could be sent, THIS TOOK AGES about a week and a half, finaly tony told unicycle.com to send it on wendsday AT THE VERY LATEST! It was never sent on wendsday, why? no one knows. It was sent something like monday the following week. By this time i have doubled my medication, Ben myflatmate had severly killed his 20 inch and could no longer ride it so was forced to ride Rowens busted old uni to work everyday, Ben was starting to talk in toungs to the gods of unicycling and Rowan had made himself a little shrine and was paying hommage to it everyday to please the goes of the unicycle into letting us have the unicycles faster!

Ok so on monday this week (monday the 11th) the unicycles make it into the country. I read an email from tony telling me that he will be taking tuesday off work JUST TO SEND THE UNICYCLES TO US! I read the email outloud to Ben and Rowan and the room went silent, then once i had finished both ben and rowen bursed out in excitment and talked about how much they where going to love all there new stuff, needless to say we where very happy at the prospect of finaly getting the unicycles on wednsday. Then tuesday happened and customes came on the sceen. In new zealand (like most countries) when you import goods the person sending them to you has to send a Comercial invoice with the goods, Well unicycle.com thought it would be a good idea to forget this when they sent all our unicycles over to little old new zealand. So needless to say customes would not let tony have the unicycles and he was sent home disapointed and with the knowledge that he would have to face my wrath when i rung (Like i do most days now, just to see whats happeneing, im getting a little paranoied). Tony told me and i almost cryed, i rung Ben at work and he said he had to go, quote “Before i break the phone” rowan looked at the ground and said it was ban news and that he was disapointed. So today is Friday the 15 of august and still no unicycle. As far as i know Tony is trying to get an invoice from unicycle.com but untill he does i have no unicycle, ben has no unicycle, rowan has no air seat, and tony has no profiles (Im not sure what everyone elce orded).

Well thats the horror story of my unicycle.com experence, on contrast when i orded a unicycle from unicycle.co.nz it arived the next day!

I will leave it up to you to decide who’s fult all this has been, but all i can say is that im getting a little worried, i payed alot of money for my unicycle and i would die if anything would delay it indefinatly. Plus a court sute would follow :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for listening, and feed back would be great!

Keep calm James, everything will be ok. There will be no need for court action. I am not too disappointed that there is a delay. Today was raining and it was not particularly good for riding anyway. I can accept it if the shipment was delayed due to circumstances beyond Tony’s control. Rather than the seat I am more keen to receive the bearing puller and cranks, and also to have a go on James’ and Ben’s KH24s. Then the little boy will have to wait again to get his toy back. At least you can do stuff in the meanwhile (apart from playing X-box). Consider doing some vacuuming to keep your mind off the wait.


Talked to tony not long ago and he is picking up the uni’s tomorow, fingers crossed there will be no more stuff ups.

Sounds like we will be getting them monday or tuesday :smiley:

Good things come to those who wait…

always remember this :wink:

Re: Good things come to those who wait…

easy for you to say :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll think of you guys the next time I complain about the high cost of shipping and the long wait associated with living on the most isolated spot on earth.


Take it easy James :wink: Father Christmas will be here soon. It’s worth the wait.

When I ordered my KH24/Yuni29’er- prior to Tony and team setting up unicycle.com/NZ, it took over 4 months to get my MUni’s from the US.

This is still a pretty new setup and you guys are probably the first big order put through to their parent company. It’ll take time to work out all the bugs in the system.

OT- I scouted out some of the tracks for NZUNi weekend- you’ll definitely do well with a KH24’


paridise getting boring?

Peter Bier and Tony Melton are two men of impeccable integrity. In addition, unicycle.com, US, UK, and NZ (now) are making an effort to provide a much needed and wanted service to a relatively small market. Difficulties will be encountered. If one of the proprietors conned you or ripped you off I can see why a rant in a public forum might be appropriate. Problems such as the one you have encountered are better dealt with in private communication.

My post was not about having a rant or a rave, one thing i forgot to mention is that this IS the first order, i think that was kind of the idea of this post was to show how the first big order went, as you can see it got held up at every point. As i have stated unicycle.co.nz have a good service i would also like to add that Tony and Peter are VERY good to deal with there email and communications are excelent and they always tell us the full story of whats happening and whats going on. The main thing that got me upset is the customes thing, i can more that accept that unicycle.com didn’t have all the parts (i acualy expected it, im sure there where some obscure orders placed), i can accept that it took longer to ship and expected (They where trying out a differnent shipping company) but the thing that got me was the customes thing!!! It was strange! No invoice!! BUT in saying this now that i think of it uni.com probably haven’t had to ship a commercial invoice with stuff that they send to NZ before because they have probavbly only been shipping to customers not a sister company. Tony and Peter have been under alot of presure to get this order out and they have bent over backwards for us! I tell them everytime that i ring that they have been great, i give them all my prase. The only reason that i posted this topic was to show all the bumbs and setbacks that need to be irnoed out, but im sure the next order will happen in double time now that they have done this one! :smiley: The only problem with having to wait this long for a new unicycle is that you start thinking about NEW unicycles, at the moment im SERIOUSLY considering getting a 36" and a 20" Onza (help me im going insane!).

Tony and peter have been great, unicycle.com have been pritty good too, all the bumps are to be expected.

The thing that got me is, “It should be here on tuesday” (Something happens), “Ok something happened it will be here on firday”, (Something happens), “It will be here on monday” I think you ge tthe idea, its kind of funny, i rung peter yesterday and he had changed the way he was doing things in now became a “I will ring tony but i won’t be holding my breath” LOL I said the same thing, lucky we kept breathing because tony doesn’t get up till after lunch on a saterday :stuck_out_tongue: But good news he got the invoice and now all he needs to do is pick up the unis from customes and ship them.

Who wants to place a bet the deliverey van will crash and we won’t get our unis for another week?


I just got an email telling me its in the poast and on its way

Thats everyone from uni.com and uni.co.nz :smiley:

I didn’t feel it was unicycle.com or uni.com.nz’s fault when reading this post. It was FATE! BLAME FATE! The more you want something, the more things will go wrong.
I probably shouldn’t say anything about fate; I just might come down with some incurable disease or something…


That is the thing that has been getting on my nerves! FATE!!!

Please note

Im still taking bets on weather or not the delivery van will crash…



I’m glad I have three Uni’s and a bunch of spare parts… and I’ve been unicycling how long now? A month or less? HAH! Congrats on your new Uni, dude. Have fun! Brake a leg! wait! I take that back, don’t brake a leg, crack like your skull or something… ya… that would be cool… huh huhu huh (Butthead laugh)

which reminds me…
theatre tradition forbids u from wishing a fellow-thespian ‘good luck’ and demands that u instead share the wish that the person should ‘break a leg’

what are u allowed to wish a unicyclist before an event?

and is is event specific?

do u say ‘snap a spoke’ to a freestyler?,
‘taco a rim’ to a trialist?,
‘bend a crank’ to a munieer? and
‘break a wrist’ to a cokeur?


I think “I hope you die soon” would be good for eveyone :smiley:


Just get off the computer and ride your new KH will ya!

Ken :wink:

the only reason im not still riding is because its very dark outside, and my cranks are loose and i don’t have an allan key to tighten then up with, its at my parents house i will have to go there tomorow and pinch it