OK here goes, about…um…ages ago (one month) i orded a HK24" with maguras from unicycle.co.nz, they where putting in a special order to unicycl.com, this was to be my unicycle, my flatmates some parts for Rowan and some stuff for other people around the country. For this order I sold my xbox with all the games i have (About 20 of them) so that i could get the money to get the unicycle, once i had the money i put it in the bank, now all that was needed was for me to sit down and wait till my new unicycle arives. So while you sit there a little boy waits, and while you moan about hte price of your prescription a little boy waits and hopes that his unicycle will come soon. Do you ever think it did??? Well let me tell you one month later it still isn’t here!!!
Here is the story of what happened!
So the order was to be made over the phone to unicycle.com, this ment that tony from unicycle.co.nz had to stay up till midnight to ring unicycle.com to make the order, the first night he tryed he couldn’t make the order becuase the person at unicycle.com was at A BANJO CONVENTION!!! I thought this was funny. Anyway the story goes that the order was made, but suprisingly enough unicycle.com didn’t have all the parts that where in the order to we had to wait for them to get to uni.com before the order could be sent, THIS TOOK AGES about a week and a half, finaly tony told unicycle.com to send it on wendsday AT THE VERY LATEST! It was never sent on wendsday, why? no one knows. It was sent something like monday the following week. By this time i have doubled my medication, Ben myflatmate had severly killed his 20 inch and could no longer ride it so was forced to ride Rowens busted old uni to work everyday, Ben was starting to talk in toungs to the gods of unicycling and Rowan had made himself a little shrine and was paying hommage to it everyday to please the goes of the unicycle into letting us have the unicycles faster!
Ok so on monday this week (monday the 11th) the unicycles make it into the country. I read an email from tony telling me that he will be taking tuesday off work JUST TO SEND THE UNICYCLES TO US! I read the email outloud to Ben and Rowan and the room went silent, then once i had finished both ben and rowen bursed out in excitment and talked about how much they where going to love all there new stuff, needless to say we where very happy at the prospect of finaly getting the unicycles on wednsday. Then tuesday happened and customes came on the sceen. In new zealand (like most countries) when you import goods the person sending them to you has to send a Comercial invoice with the goods, Well unicycle.com thought it would be a good idea to forget this when they sent all our unicycles over to little old new zealand. So needless to say customes would not let tony have the unicycles and he was sent home disapointed and with the knowledge that he would have to face my wrath when i rung (Like i do most days now, just to see whats happeneing, im getting a little paranoied). Tony told me and i almost cryed, i rung Ben at work and he said he had to go, quote “Before i break the phone” rowan looked at the ground and said it was ban news and that he was disapointed. So today is Friday the 15 of august and still no unicycle. As far as i know Tony is trying to get an invoice from unicycle.com but untill he does i have no unicycle, ben has no unicycle, rowan has no air seat, and tony has no profiles (Im not sure what everyone elce orded).
Well thats the horror story of my unicycle.com experence, on contrast when i orded a unicycle from unicycle.co.nz it arived the next day!
I will leave it up to you to decide who’s fult all this has been, but all i can say is that im getting a little worried, i payed alot of money for my unicycle and i would die if anything would delay it indefinatly. Plus a court sute would follow
Thanks for listening, and feed back would be great!