My brother is getting married tomorrow, and I am driving various people to the event, so I tidied and cleaned my car.
In the concealed compartments in the rear footwell, I found an unopened bottle of Calvados - a Christmas gift I’d put there out of sight for security reasons - and about 15 CDs including a favourite one I’d been looking for for ages. I also found several pounds in loose change.
Unfortunately not. Did find led Zeppelin, Sham 69, Misfits, Kaiser Chiefs, Adverts, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Jools Holland and Dave Brubeck, though. Missing any of those?
If I let you have anything you find would you like to come and clean mine?
After last week’s camping and cycling holiday it is unlikely to contain anything other than half of Scotland and the odd damp sock, but you never know…
When we brought the used Chevy Avalanche home, it was supposedly detailed by the auto dealer prior to the sale. My detailing is a bit more precise. In the bed of the truck in one of the drain holes, I found a live 12-gauge shotgun shell. I believe it was 8-shot size.
We bought a Prowler used off of ebay. After the thorough cleaning, we found a gameboy advance that had been lost under the seat by the previous owner. I would have liked to keep it for our collection, but we mailed it back.
This isnt from cleaning my car, but form cleaning my room, i found about 50 guitar picks that got under my bed, and $15.46 from all the change i had laying around.
Every morning I carry a cup of coffee into the car. Every evening, I leave the cup in the car.
Car cleanings coincide with me attempting to drink coffee out of my cupped hands.