throwing cards?

does any one here throw cards?

i use an unorthadox method which gives me an amazing amount of control but not a great deal of distance

Discuss card throwing

I’m pretty good at it, probably not as good as I used to be when I was a magician but I can still throw 'em pretty far…my accuracy is crappy though.

Chris “Jesus” Ferguson is a stud at this.


So is Gambit…he can not only throw cards, but make 'em EXPLODE.

Now there is a true hero that should of been in the Xmen movies.


i hold the card between my first and middle finger
if you stand the card up so that the longer edges are running up and down, i use thos fingers (on my right hand) to hold the top left corner.
and just flick, took me about 15 min to get decent (being across the room and hitting the TV)

I bend the card in the middle with the nail of my pointer and place my thumb and middle finger on the opposite side ,then put pressure with my middle and pointer finger and release my thumb

a little hard to read and get the hand of it but a great little trick

also you have to put a bend into the cards ESSENTIAL like and obvious bend i cannot stress this enough

you can also get some cool ground effect things going

why do you need to throw cards if you are a magishion?

You don’t…it just happens.

I do somewhat I can chip paint off my bros door =).

oh yeah, i can’t throw them.


I hold a card between my index and middle, and the back corner closest to the palm of my hand resting on the base of my thumb near the palm. With a little curve in the card by slightly closing the hand the cards keep the lift longer by making a mini airfoil and your distance increases. Find an old deck and throw them at open venisian blinds (how do you make a venisian blind? you poke it in the eye!) and see how deep you can get them to cut into the cards.

thats kinda like the method i use

kicks ass cause you can make it return to you
