Thread Topics

Don’t you just hate it when there are no interesting thread topics and you can’t think of what you want to discuss? Well I do. That’s why I created this thread, to brainstorm interesting topics that you want to talk about. Please post some interesting topics that you want to talk about. If there’s enough attention about a particular topic, then you can make a thread about it. Here’s some interesting topics I want to talk about:

-Lucid dreaming
-Electric guitars
-Navy SEALs
-Roller coasters
-Line Rider
-Video games
-X Games
-Zippo lighters
-Survival tactics

I ALWAYS what to make a skating thread but never do

hmmm…That can go into the X-games category to make it a little broader.

skating seems such a broad topic by itself…i just am not sure if anyone would be able to contribute to the thread. so i joined a skating forum, it jst SUCKS

How about skateboarding while unicycling?? :smiley: :smiley:

What about holding onto the back with one hand on a rollercoaster while unicycling and playing the guitar and watching tomahawks fly-by during the halloween season. :smiley: :smiley:

sounds awesome :smiley:

i reccomend you try that…

try that before you die, it will probably result in your death.

Try jumping onto the skateboard with your unicycle :slight_smile:

A thread about thread topics…


It’s to help cut down on all of the stupid thread topics that take up space on the forum. This way all the dumb ideas get shut down before they ever turn into threads.

Hmmm…fair point. You win. :smiley:

I have and it works for a short time and all i got were some bruisies. :smiley: :smiley: Pity i didn’t get on video. :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

Yeah right, picture that. :roll_eyes:

Although I guess it never hurts to dream…

Yeah, but what if this weren’t a hypothetical question?

. :thinking: :thinking: