I’v been piddling around with my unicycle almost a year and cannot ride worth a darn. About 100 to 200 feet and boom. I’m gonna keep trying.
Anyway, the other night while practicing in the school parking lot, a young fella, probably 30 years old and his 8 year old daughter came riding by on their bicycles. I asked him if he could ride a unicycle and he said he’s never tried it, but it looks interesting.
I gave him a few instructions using the curb to get started. First attempt he immediately went off backwards. Second attempt, one pedal revolution. Third try, 40 FEET. It took me three months to do that.
The next day, he went and bought an 18" inch uni for his daughter and a 24" wheel for himself.
I practiced with him last night. He is doing tight turns, riding all over the place, up a ramp and hopping off the curb. I’m getting pretty irritated. He has less than 3 HOURS on that thing. I like his daughter, she is still falling off immediately. I just can’t believe this. I am one heckuva teacher!!!
I wonder if it helps if you are a stunt motorcycle rider and motocrosser and of course, 30 years old.
I think that guy has the grooviest teacher ever! 40’ the third time is amazing! WOW!!!
Spenoit, I spent two months riding with two push broom handles. Used them like ski poles for balance. Be sure to put crutch tips on the lower end to keep them from slipping. If crutch tips too large use Gorilla Glue. I rode on the local high school track. When was able to make 2 miles with two sticks, went to one stick for about two weeks, Then started to use stick onley to mount. I feel this method was a big help as I initially had a lot of trouble with falling latrally.
Now freemounting about 5%. Made a mile without dismount on monday of this week.
I thought I was the oldest newbe at 57 but you got me beat.
Hope this helps a little, KEEP ROLLIN!!!
I think he lied to you, he is probably Kris Holm’s dad, he just wants to make you feel bad. Next time you see him put a stick in his spokes, then as he falls over, laugh hysterically.
Actually don’t do that, it’s mean.
Really you should give us more details, are you holding on to something to learn or just trying to ride blindly?
That might have something to do with it. This guy is fearless. He probably also has incredible strength in his legs which enabled him to ride so quickly.
I saw a kid ride across a room once after about 20 minutes of learning. It was purely leg strength, he barely touched the seat.
My theories on learning to ride:
- You have to be able to turn the wheel smoothly and with control,
- To really get the feel of the balancing and riding, you have to get up to at least a moderate walking speed. Riding slow is HARD to do.
- Practice until you can relax enough to rest your weight on the seat, not your legs.
- A tennis court is a good place to learn. It is smooth, level and you can hold onto the fence which is long enough that you can build up a little speed.
- Keep trying.
thats incredible! my little brother took 2 days to learn, and hes only 8, but at 30?
this guy must be one of those 1 in a million who have a natural ability for it.
Quick learner???
Hi from Hull, I made myself a unicycle yesterday. I have got a few cust on my legs but thats life.
I am going to put some padding at the top of the forks for a while as I practice, for the next few years by the sound of it.
You can see the result at one of my web sites.
Quick learner???
Hi from Hull, I made myself a unicycle yesterday. I have got a few cust on my legs but thats life.
I am going to put some padding at the top of the forks for a while as I practice, for the next few years by the sound of it.
You can see the result at one of my web sites.
Last night that KID was over at the school. He is amazing to me. He’ll be riding backards next week. He was stopping and hopping a few times last night. When he was done, he picked up two crutches his daughter was trying to use and rode home holding them in front of him. Home is a block and half away. Down a sidewalk, across a thick gravel parking lot, over a ridge, across a street, a small ditch, and into his bumpy yard. I tooted my horn when he got home. I haven’t mentioned what a UPD is. Maybe I should explain that so I can see him fall on his face just once!!!
As to my progress, I think I am improving quite rapidly just watching that smart aleck. I feel I am on the brink. My problem has been not being able to correct my left-right balance as tumblebug mentioned. I am concentrating on keeping weight on the seat and pedaling smoothly. But I notice when I try to make a major correction, I am off the seat. Oh, by the way, he really is a nice guy.