Those who believe in law and order if there were no police would you behave different

Those who believe in law and order, if there were no police, would you behave differently? Anarchists feel free to join in the discussion (you would regardless). :smiley:


I might speed more recklessly :astonished: but other than that no

Possibly. I would ride trials on places I shouldn’t…

I would probably walk around at 12-4 in the morning, not that i dont really already though.

I hate anime

I lavish anarchy, if that happened, I would probably ride in places I shouldn’t, and do a lot more riding because I wouldn’t have to go to school or work or anything.

Edit: Is sztin13 a bot or something?

I would do things mostly the same. I would just stop following dumb laws instead of following them or breaking them carefully.


I was going to say yes - I would speed and drive passengers - but I do those things anyway, :roll_eyes: however I would definitely do them more often if there were no laws. I was also going to say yes to stealing but if it was anarchy then all shopkeepers would easily stop you from stealing anyway. Actually buying alcohol would probably be the only thing I would do that I don’t do now. But I don’t like drinking that much really so I wouldn’t do it often.

It’s hard to know what life would be like if there were no laws. The world around you certainly wouldn’t look the same. Your house would probably have to be a fortress.

In a fantasy world of no laws for a day, I think I’d speed a bit (that gets old pretty quick, especially if everyone else is doing it), ride some trails that aren’t open to cycles, and probably do some other trespassing.

Hmm… let me think about this… YES! I’d be in my element lol!

get a few shotguns a couple years earlier that I’d planned,
being a moron all the time,
drink a bit
drive around in my car! (otherwise I will have to wait over 2 years to drive my mini!)

It would suck though because the place would just crumble and become a treacherous riot… Shame.

I think we all draw a distinction between “real laws” such as not committing theft, rape or murder, and “petty regulations” - which are any laws that we think only apply to everyone else…

I speed less when I think there is a significant chance of being caught. On the other hand, I wouldn’t park in such a place as to cause an obstruction just because the traffic wardens were on strike. I’d walk past an open till without stealing the money, even if I could be certain of getting away with it, but I’d ride my bike across the pavement if I thought it was safe to do so.

I think I would behave more cautiously if there weren’t police. I would be more fearful of what others would do to me without someone else to enforce the law. My reasoning is similar to why I am not a libertarian: I don’t trust most people to act rationally and toward nonconflicting ideas of what is good.

I hope you’re not trying to imply that anarchy is the absence of law and order. Anarchy is simply the absence of the state, and it’s the state that has a territorial monopoly on law and order. You eliminate that monopoly and you’d end up with more law and order under anarchy.

Strictly, “anarchy” is the lack of authority. In a small group like a gang of friends, it can work by mutual consent and cooperation. In a larger group, it tends to break down: either “authority” develops, or the whole thing descends into chaos.

Anarchy is a society free from coercive authority.

I’d go swimming in the river thames.

No Lawyers, No suing,?:smiley:
We’d could use all that m0ney we save on taxes and lawsuits to police ourselves.

what other piece of government we could get rid of? Having no sewers or trash pick up would be even mo worst.

What is stopping you now :smiley:

The question is would money still be viable in a non-government protected world and I would think that somone would see the need for sanatation and make a dime off of it.

According to Wikipedia belief, a conviction or certainty, often regarding God or a supreme being. Therefore I’m not sure that we either believe or don’t believe in law and order.

Maybe we are just more or less inclined to follow rules.

Then there is all that stuff about morality and ethics.